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Jirou ran her fingertips along the smooth stone surface, tracing out the name carved into it. She had cried so many times, in this place and in others. By now she had gone through all the stages of grief, but the pain never quite went away. Coming here was akin to offering a prayer for her, she would just sit and think, meditate, and talk about the things she did.

White roses bloomed in a vase she had set at the base of the headstone. It was a usual day at the graveyard, only one or two other people were there visiting loved ones. Flags and flowers decorated the graves due to the nice weather, but she visited every month, even in winter. The sounds of an active world surrounded her; traffic, children, and planes overhead all eluded to people going about their lives. People who could enjoy living. Those blessed with the gift of life and existence.

"So I met a guy," she whispered. Thinking of Kaminari, she smiled, "I met him at the music store, and it's a big plus that he's into music- he even knew who One A was- but he's also sweet and down to earth. He's kinda like me, just living life as it comes, not racing to any final destination. We went out for coffee for our first not-date," she gave a small laugh at her own term for the occasion.

"Im glad we didn't meet at a club or some awkward date function. Honestly, I don't know why we click, there's just something about his energy that resonates with mine. It's rare that you find an honest person these days, but I think I have. I wish you could meet him and tell me what you think." She paused, letting out a long breath before continuing, "I'd trust your judgement over mine, Yui."

A small breeze rushed past her, as if someone was trying to make contact, but it just passed by as a formless visitor. Mentally she reached out, gazing into the blue sky stretching endlessly above her. Instead of triggering sorrow, these visits now brought her peace. Soon she went on her way, feeling a little more whole and a little less complete at the same time.

Later that day, she was in her apartment making dinner with nothing much to do for the rest of the evening. It had only been day since their coffee meeting, and neither of the two had contacted the other. Jirou realized she hadn't formally thanked Kaminari for paying for her, and thought it was good excuse to text him.

He responded, asking if she had any plans for the rest of the day. A spark of excitement lit up within her, she quickly replied that she didn't have plans. His response was just as quick as hers, "Do you want to come over to my place? I won't do anything weird, I swear. There's some stuff I wanted to show you."

An hour later, she was at his house. It was in the suburbs, not too big, but he had the place all to himself. She stood in front of his door, and just called instead of ringing the doorbell.

"What's up?" He said as he answered the phone. Upon hearing his voice, she couldn't help but smiling.

"I'm waiting for you to let me in."

"Wha?! You're- okay, hold on..." The door swung open, and there he stood, his eyes crinkled in a smile of his own.

"Haha, thanks," she said into the phone before hanging up.

"Come on in! You can leave your shoes on or take them off, it's whatever here." She took them off and apologized for her mismatched socks, to which he responded by showing her his own. He then led her down a hallway into what he called his music room.

Upon entering, she was immediately impressed. Posters plastered the walls to the point she couldn't even tell what color the paint was behind them. Even more shocking, was the number of electric guitars he had displayed, set up to play, and even some simply propped up in a corner. A magnetic force drew her to his technical set up, inspecting the quality of his wires and speakers. He also had a keyboard folded and put to the side.

"This. Is. Incredible," she breathed when she had gotten her voice back.

"I figured you'd like it! Do you play any instruments? If not, that's fine, I actually wanted you to listen to some songs I wrote," he already had a guitar in his hand. The design fit him to a T, the body was made of natural dark wood featuring a bright yellow lightning bolt down the center. The neck was painted black with silver strings and knobs.

"I can play pretty much every instrument," she said quietly.

"No way!! So which one do you prefer?" He asked, plugging in the guitar.

"I like them all, I don't have a preference or anything," she responded, still admiring the room.

"Pick anyone you want, I'll let you play," he said, watching her eyes travel around the room.

"Naw it's cool, I'd rather listen," she responded. Something in her tone seemed distant. So he played a few songs for her and her smile came back. She seemed to really be enjoying herself, and he was too. He was much better at playing covers than writing for himself, but she gave him a few pointers that really helped.

Never once did she pick up an instrument to play, even though he could see the lust in her eyes to do so. He even noticed that she would only sing when he did, which caused him to do so more than he would otherwise be comfortable with. Her voice was an instrument in and of itself, she could sing high or low, and her tone had a hint of raspiness to it that he craved. If only he could hear her without his amateur voice messing up the sound waves.

Eventually he stopped playing and they continued to talk about everything under the sun. Finally, he got up the courage to ask, "Jirou, why don't you play anymore?"

Her gaze dropped to her hands, then she looked up at him, "It's something I just can't do anymore... ever since the accident, I promised I would never... I just can't anymore, that's all."

He desperately wanted to give her a hug, but didn't know how she would feel about that. Even if he could just reach out and touch her hand, not as a means to come onto her, but as a way to let her know she wasn't alone. For now, he'd have to resort to using words alone.

"I... I understand, even if I really don't... but if you ever feel like talking to someone, I'll be here for you. No strings attached," he said trying to sound as genuine as possible. She had become like a best friend to him overnight, and he knew he'd do almost anything for her.

"Thanks, maybe... maybe one day I will," she replied.

Segue: KamiJirouWhere stories live. Discover now