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"That's a good start. Maybe I can come over some other day this week and we can actually write it all down?" Jirou turned to him and broke the silence.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I really enjoyed playing today," he answered her.

"Mm, me too," she said softly as she put away some of the instruments and went to get the CD out of the player. Kaminari stood up and went behind her, surprising her with a hug.

"I'm so proud of you. It was really great to hear you play, and I'm sure your sister is even happier than I am right now," he said into her hair. She smelled really nice... he had never noticed as much as he did now. Suddenly he wondered if her skin tasted as good as she smelled, and he kissed her on the shoulder.

It wasn't a taste so much as it was a feeling of pleasure that wrapped around his heart as his lips glazed over her skin. She was so soft, so warm, and he couldn't get enough of her. He kissed up to her ear, and she shuddered. Her finger was frozen on the CD, unable to take it out or even move with him like this.

"I'm... uh, sorry..." he stuttered, unsure if she was upset with him or not.

"No, I... it felt good," she murmured as she turned slightly in his arms. Her cheeks were so flushed and it made her look so kissable. Her eyes were shining like gem stones as she looked up into his own eyes. Something similar to a magnetic pull drew him to her, he was unable to look away or think about anything else.

"You... liked it?" He said under his breath. Wanting to give her some space, he took his hands from around her waist and placed one hand against the wall beside her head. Her eyes widened slightly and her face flushed even more. Sure, he had kissed girls before, but never had he felt like this. She really was doing a number on him.

"Y-yeah, yes," she whispered back. He bent his head slightly and delicately placed his lips on hers. It was a moment he never wanted to end. The slightest contact made his senses go wild. She pressed her lips into his and he felt his chest explode.

He pushed her up into the wall, craving every inch of her. The feeling of her body against his made his blood rush and his mind go blank. He nibbled on her upper lip before intertwining their tongues. Her skin was hot and sensual. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

"Graaaawrrrrrr," her stomach rumbled loudly. The trance between the two was broken, and he looked down at her flustered face. Happiness bounced in his voice as he muttered, "Guess it's about time we get something to eat, yeah?"

She shyly tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear as he backed off her, "Yeah, food sounds good. I didn't realize how hungry I had gotten."

"It's like that when you're having fun," he replied, winking at her, "I don't have anything fancy, will sandwiches be okay?"

"Um, sounds good to me." He went into the kitchen, leaving her to catch her breath. Running his hand through his hair, he took in long breaths to calm himself down. He wanted to take  things slowly with her, but he already knew this was the first girl he was willing to go all the way with.

Of course he talked a big game in front of everyone else, he'd tease girls relentlessly when he was around other guys, but in reality he was reserved when it came to actually doing anything intimate. It was just easier to pretend he'd lost his virginity years ago, and it was easy to find out what everyone was talking about. This world isn't exactly censored anymore if you know where to look. Part of him disliked how everyone flaunted their sexuality. That's why he'd never really fallen for anyone, he was just enjoying the ride. No girl had earned his respect like Jirou had. She felt like a whole person to him, not just a neatly wrapped package with a shallow mind.

Soon she followed him into the kitchen, and things went back to normal between the two. Jirou was actually a superb sandwich maker, and he swore he could never look at a regular sandwich the same way. They sat on his couch together and watched some random Netflix series.

It turned out to be a decent show, and neither of them made a move to get up. Halfway through the third episode Jirou slumped over on his shoulder, her head snuggled comfortably into the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling the intense body head she producing under her clothes.

"Kyouka... hey," he whispered gently to her. She was obviously nodding off into a food coma.

"Mmmmm what?" She snuggled further into him, relaxing into his now familiar scent and secure hug.

"You're falling asleep."

"I know."

"Then are you gonna stay here for the night?" Hearing this she started to sit up, rubbing her sleepy eyes. At the retraction of her warmth he squeezed her tighter, bringing her back into him, "No don't get up."

"It's okay if I sleep here?"

"Mhm. You can have the couch, or even my bed if you want."

"I'll stay out here, but we can keep watching the show. I like it," she sighed as she relaxed into him again and closed her eyes. Kaminari laughed, yeah she liked the show she was hardly watching.

It took her ten minutes to completely knock out. He began to feel tired himself, so he carefully slid out from underneath her and went to grab a pillow and a blanket. After making sure she was settled in, he kissed her forehead and whispered, "Goodnight, my sweet Kyouka... I..."

His words died out as he questioned if the words "I love you" would jinx things. Better left felt and unsaid than said and unfelt. He wasn't sure if she actually wanted to sleep together on that tiny couch, and carrying her to his bed without her knowledge would be creepy, so he did the respectful thing and parted ways for the night. Softly closing the door to his bedroom, he instantly missed her warmth, but was happy to know he'd wake up to her in the morning.

Is this what it felt like to really fall in love? Instead of just playing around with the idea? As much as he was physically attracted to her, he wanted the best for her in every way. He wanted to hear her laugh and kiss her lips everyday, not just today or tomorrow. Whether she needed a jam session, a concert for her sister, or hug, he'd do anything for her.

Segue: KamiJirouحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن