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The night of the concert had finally arrived. Jirou went over to Kaminari's place a few hours before they had to leave so that they could get ready together. Decked out in band paraphernalia from their shoes to their hats, they were totally pumped. Jirou was a little nervous about seeing the band in person, she had no desire to respark old friendships, but she felt better knowing Kaminari would be with her.

It was an hour ride to the concert venue, blocking any traffic jams. They spent that time listening to every One-A song ever released. Kaminari made an effort to sing along even though he hated to hear his own voice so Jirou could enjoy herself as well. Aside from their practice for Yui's song, she still refused to sing or play any instruments seriously.

Once they got to the concert it was all a blur. Jirou geeked out over the sound system and lighting setup while Kaminari couldn't take his eyes off her. He'd never seen her so happy before. She was a little ball of energy bouncing around at his side.

However, once the band started playing she sat still. Hearing the songs she had committed to memory being played live in front of her brought up so many emotions. Nostalgia. Grief. Gratitude. Memories of her own band, the accident, every time she visited Yui's grave, her time getting to know Kaminari, it all flashed through her mind. All the pieces of her life, forming a puzzle she hadn't yet completed. Yet, she didn't feel broken.

The time she spent playing music again for Yui filled a void in her soul, and sharing that part of herself with Kaminari made her genuinely happy. She didn't know how she could feel sad and happy at the same time, but it felt more normal to her now than anything else. Maybe she should try to be the sister Yui looked up to, instead of merely reporting everything back to her like a lifeless recorder and dwelling in the past.

Kaminari watched as her face faded during the first few songs. Although her eyes were glued to the stage, that distant look was on her face again. It was like her mind was up there, playing along with the band, while her body was stuck in the audience.

He leaned close to her ear so she could hear him and asked, "Do you wish that was you up there?"

Her eyes flicked downward, then over to him. In one moment her expression completely changed, she was the happy Jirou he knew again. Leaning into his ear, she said, "Not really. If I was, then I wouldn't be sitting next to you. For the first time, I don't have any regrets. I'm starting to think that even tragedies can have their silver linings, if we don't give up on ourselves."

He pulled her into a hug just as the opening to one of One-A's more popular songs began to play. The audience screamed and they both stood up and joined the crowd. A weight lifted from both of their shoulders, replaced by elation at where life brought them. Together.

Jirou sang every lyric for the rest of the concert. Kaminari was sure he'd be deaf by tomorrow. By the time the concert ended, it felt like it had only lasted for half an hour when in reality it had almost been two. The couple had been so excited during the whole concert that they held hands and kissed after every song. On the way home, they touched each other as much as they could, constantly talking about how amazing the experience was.

Finally they were back at Kaminari's place, still gushing about the concert while standing close together. Jirou tried to explain her experience, her thoughts and feelings about how all the songs made her feel. She could see the make-shift shrine they had made in the living room for Yui, and it brought her peace.

Giving up on words, she kissed Kaminari for the hundredth time that night, not daring to let go of him. She pulled him close and deepened their kiss, nibbling a little on his lip. He brought his hand up to her neck and rubbed her earlobe between his thumb and index finger- a sensitive spot he had discovered recently.

She had to break away for air, but let her hands roam on his body, wanting to feel every part of him. His skin was like an electric current, stimulating her from the simplest touch. Still, she wanted more.

"I-," she looked up into his eyes, then kissed him again, "I love you."

"I love y- mmmnn" His reply was muffled by her lips on his. She was so passionate tonight. Now that she knew some of his weak spots, she went for every single one of them, and he was really feeling it. With their lips still connected, he walked her back into the table which she sat on top of. She wrapped her legs around him and gripped into his shoulders, grinding onto his hips.

"There's something I want to do," she whispered, a little out of breath from all their kissing.

"Oh?" He didn't have time for words right now, his brain was on a one way track. Taking advantage of the opening, he migrated his lips from hers down to her earlobe and pulled it into his mouth.

"Mmmgh," her legs squeezed him tighter.

"Denki," she moaned quietly, her breath getting heavier, "You're coming with me."

"Where to?" He asked, hoping it was the bedroom.

"To the shower," she said as she pulled her shirt off and started to unbutton his pants.

That works too, he thought as he fumbled with his clothes, scattering them on the ground as they made their way to the bathroom. The water wasn't even turned on yet, but it was already getting quite steamy.

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