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Kaminari: We just got some new merch in, I think you'll like it.

Jirou: I'll have to swing by the shop tomorrow and check it out.

Kaminari: Then, why don't you come by as my shift ends and I can take you out to eat afterwards? Or do you have work?

Jirou: I don't have work, but I can't let you pay again.

Kaminari: I don't see why not.

Jirou: I'll just make dinner instead?

Kaminari: So I'll pay for groceries?

Jirou: Nooooooo! Even though grocery shopping with you might actually be fun instead of a drag.

Kaminari: Then it's settled. After work tomorrow I'm taking you grocery shopping.

Jirou: smh. Fine.

Kaminari: lol XD

Jirou: ^w^

The next day, the pair strolled side by side down the aisles of the grocery store. They had decided to make traditional curry together, so both of them could participate in the cooking process. Jirou came prepared with a grocery list while Kaminari followed her around with the cart. Noticing what she was looking at, he raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

"I didn't know ice cream was an ingredient in curry?"

Jirou didn't look away from the freezer display as she responded, "It's not."

He just laughed at her. She opened the door, and they were hit with a cold blast. Even though he tried not to look as she bent over, he couldn't help but to admire her backside. How had he not noticed how plump she was?

"You like Bunny Tracks?" She asked, the quart of ice cream already in her hand.

"Hm, yeah it's pretty good."

"Good, cause it's your treat to the two of us." She placed it in the cart. The two of us... he liked the sound of that. A lot, actually. He snapped himself out of his thoughts and realized she was already at the other end of the aisle.

"So what's left on the list?" He asked when he caught up.

"That's it! I made sure to get the frozen stuff last, so it wouldn't be melted by the time we got to my place."

"Awesome, so to the check out?"


Once they got outside the store, Jirou reached for the bags inside the cart, but he stopped her.

"Wait a minute. Get on the cart," he instructed.

"What?" She asked, arm hovering in midair.

"Put your feet on the bar right here," he motioned to her, though he thought it was obvious on what to do.

"I thought adults didn't do stuff like this..." Despite her words, she stood on the cart and held onto the sides.

"Well I do!" He said cheerfully as he took off running. It was a lot heavier than he remembered it being, but he went as fast as he could. Jirou's laughter was worth it. He pushed her to the end of the parking lot, then collapsed, panting and out of breath.

"Hahaha, Kaminari, are you okay?" She asked in between giggles.

"Call... call me... call me Denki," he managed to cough out as he gasped in air. For a moment she just stared at him with those sparkling onix eyes, then responded, "Denki... Then call me Kyouka."

He laughed, such a pretty name, how did he get to lucky to have her in his life? She frowned, "Is there something wrong with my first name?"

"No, no it's just... Kyouka... I really like you. I mean! I really like it! Your name... gahghh..." Kaminari's face turned bright red as he tried to cover it up with his hand. It was Jirou's turn to laugh.

"For the record, I like you too... Denki," she admitted as she picked up some bags and turned away from him so he could hide his embarrassment. Internally, she squirmed with her own feelings. Then she said over her shoulder, "My apartment is only a few blocks away."

Twenty minutes later, she kicked open her door and tossed the grocery bags on the counter. Kaminari followed behind her, then stood awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen. It was almost surreal to see another person in her apartment, she never had people over, and she only visited family at her childhood house.

"Make yourself at home, I'll just put away some of this stuff and get out everything we'll need for the curry," she told him. Her heart went through several stages of speeding up and slowing down as she prepared the kitchen. Kaminari had taken off his shoes and wandered into her dining/living room. She thought she heard him shuffling through her massive stack of CD's, and figured she had a little time to herself.

Suddenly she noticed all the places she never cleaned well enough. Straightening her picture frames and putting away some spare dishes, she was like a mini tornado running around the kitchen. When it came to her music, she was meticulous, but everything else in her life suffered from lack of attention.

Tossing a pan on the stove, she praised herself for doing so much in such a short amount of time. That's when Kaminari came back in the kitchen, and she clapped her hands together.

"Ready to start?" She asked, pulling out a cutting board and knives.

"I'm ready to eat already," he joked, walking over next to her. The pictures on her fridge caught his attention, so he shuffled over to look at them. Most were of band paraphernalia, with a few mixed in of people who he assumed were her parents. One photo in particular looked older than the rest, it was of two young girls smiling at the camera with their arms over the others' shoulders.

"Who's this?" He asked, pointing at the photo. Looking up, her eyes glazed over when she saw which one he was pointing at.

"It's... my younger sister, Yu..."

Segue: KamiJirouWhere stories live. Discover now