She tilts her head in confusion. "How?"

"You'll be surprised. Yoongi hyung has a vault that is perfect to keep them."

"A vault?" She gasps. Where could that be?

"Don't think too much about it. The important is, we can keep all your works." Namjoon practically giggles.

Daun blushes with his total adoration. She can literally see the glittering excitement within his eyes. He is like Jin with his Super Mario figures or Hoseok's KAWS. He can really be a manic in everything he is interested with. He had been so engrossed with art and had been spending fortunes with some exquisite pieces. And now with all her works, he has become unstoppable. Time can only tell if her Joonie would build an enormous art museum just for her.

"Now... should we forget about this for a moment?" Another excitement zings on her nerves with his deep whisper. Not to mention how his hands had slipped down to her thighs, holding her firmly and so possessively to his body.

"Joonie..." She can only yelp and laugh with how easily he lifts her up and walks towards his bedroom. Well... Namjoon is much more obsessed with her, especially when the others are on their schedules.


"So... You really know the password?" Daun asks as she looks at Taehyung who is easily punching down the numbers on Yoongi's apartment.

"Um... Yes?" She watches as Taehyung nonchalantly answers the obvious. She pouts as he just gently pushes the door open, seemingly not thinking much of her inquiries.

For how many months, the mystery of the third occupant on the same floor of her apartment alongside Yoongi's is finally revealed. Apparently, Yoongi also bought the other unit which is as big as her apartment. He remodeled it. One half is for a music studio, used only whenever he needs a time out from the others for maximum productiveness. The other half was made into a vault for his songs and some important musical instruments. That's how precious his music is. He needs an entire apartment just for his passion. She was so glad, knowing that basically she is just like him. Why else, she also prioritized her color room among all others when she chose the apartment. The building is just so convenient for anything that needs peace and quiet which their professions require.

Now, she can't help to solve another mystery that had been bugging her.

"Really? Even before?" She anticipates for the answer as both of them walks inside.

Teahyung busily turns on the lights and then faces her with a surprised look, seemingly surprised with her hands on her hips and quizzical eyes. His brows knit in confusion as he asks... "Sweetheart? What's with the questions?"

"Answer me first. What were you doing outside the first time we've met?" She finally asks.

Childishly, Taehyung boxily grins, finally understanding her. "We were waiting for you, sweetheart. We knew that you were Yoongi hyung's neighbor."

Daun's brow raises. That solves it! They knew all along! They had been her stalkers!

"You sneaky." She can't help but pinch Taehyung's cheeks.

"Aw!" He pouts playfully.

"That's for stalking me. I should have punished you already." Feeling betrayed, she pinches more.

"But that's the only way we could meet you. Imagine our glee for finally finding you." He boxily grins. Not sorry at all for what they did.

Well, if she thinks about it, they were not creepy. They were friendly and made sure that she was comfortable. But the thought that they had played her heart that time makes her a bit annoyed.

Through Her Eyes ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant