" You can't ignore me forever, Teegan. " Alec muttered as he stood behind my chair, watching me finish up the last of my charts for the day. I observed and assisted with the delivery of five babies today as Alesha and the attending did most of the work. Two of them were emergency c-sections, and I was exhausted. I'd been here since 6 AM, and it was already approaching 8 PM. How Alec had enough energy to continue to torture me was beyond my understanding.

" How do you still have so much energy? " I muttered, closing the laptop and standing slowly.

" Well.. to be honest, it's not like I really did anything today. " He muttered, shrugging, and I looked at him wide-eyed. No wonder it felt like he disappeared today! I thought I was just doing a good job of avoiding him.. but he wasn't even here!

" You weren't with your group? " I asked, and he shook his head.

" I don't actually need to be here, Teegan.. my father is practically "paving" my way for me to already be accepted into a reputable residency... " He replied nonchalantly.. Figures... but I couldn't blame him. Not all of us were brought up with silver or gold spoons in our mouths..

" So why are you here? " I asked him genuinely, and he leaned down to my height.

" I chose this rotation to be closer to you.. " He said as a matter of fact, and I bit my lip as I involuntarily gulped softly.

" O-oh... " I muttered and slowly grabbed my belongings as I nodded my head.

" Well.. I best be going home. "

" Already... we only just started talking.. " He muttered, running his hand up and down my back, and I shuddered in slight fear as I spun away from him and laughed nervously.

" Y-yeah.. b-but I have to run.. I'll see you later. " I said, waving quickly as I exited the room and went straight to the main exit. My walk home was slightly sped up, and I felt relief as I entered my complex. I went to open the gate when my landlord opened the door for me.

" Hi, Mr. Madison. " I said happily, and he gave me a smile, letting me inside. He was a nice older man who actually lived in the complex with his wife. She was sick for a little while, but she was slowly getting better.

" How are you, my dear? " He asked, walking inside with me, and I shrugged.

" Tired.. hungry.. same old same old. How are you and Mrs. Madison? " I asked him, and he gave a small sigh.

" I've been doing alright, but.. Debby hasn't been feeling herself lately.. " I nodded slowly, feeling sorry for him, but to change the subject, he asked me another question.

" Your neighbor, Mitchel.. I haven't seen him in quite some time. " He muttered, and I furrowed my eyebrows as I spoke.

" He moved out a few weeks ago.. did he not say goodbye or return the key? " I asked, and he shook his head.

" Not at all, I went to check on the place, and the lock on the door was busted.. Gotta replace it soon. " He muttered, and I almost stopped in my tracks. Busted? I live right next to him.. surely I would've heard some kind of commotion other than him moving..

" The place was empty, though.. so can't complain there.. You wouldn't happen to have noticed any other people around his flat, would you? John tells me the cameras didn't pick anything up " He asked, and I thought about it for a moment.

Huh? The only people that have been by were Levi, Elliot, Micah, and Nico. The doorman, Mr. John, lets them in all the time.. because they come here to help Mitchel move. Of course, he knew they were here, but why wouldn't he tell Mr. Madison? And how could the door have been busted? And why didn't-

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