Chapter Nine: A Night at Camp

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He stared at me, saying nothing.

I shook my head.

"Honestly, Lumo - It's a bit difficult to read your expressions with that mask. I can't tell if you're once again mocking me at my complete and utter ignorance."

He smiled. "Sorry - I forget that I'm wearing it sometimes. You didn't even get to even see my impressive eye-roll when you mentioned Lord Kyron and Lord Ventas."

"Oh - not a fan?" I teased, "But what does all of this have to do with this ring?"

"Right - That ring - it's sort of like a secret sigil. A tradition beginning way back in the Second Age of the realm. The 'Great Rest' wasn't very restful, per say. It was filled with spies, thievery, espionage - a silent war of sorts. The fae, as you know, are quite clever - and created little signs of who they stood with. That ancient ring, as Vasati said, lets the other faekind know that you are part of their alliance. It's assigned to you - and only to you per her direct gifting into your hands. If someone else were to put it on - well, I'm not sure what sort of trick Vasati has in place as punishment. Probably a cruel one judging by how she acted this afternoon," he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, "You really should have taken up her offer, Mira. One of a kind experience."


"You can't see it, but I'm rolling my eyes again."

I smiled, placing the ring around my finger once more.

"It's so strange," I mused, "Just only a couple of nights ago, I was dreaming of starting out my eager first day at one of the four academies. Would I be chosen by Herculea like my mother and sister? Or become a fierce warrior fighting in the Barrens as a Selphena knight, like Father? I know it has only been a couple of days now - but it feels so distant," I sighed.



"You'd be with Tumet - running around in the sky, arms full of books though the cobble streets, rushing to your next lecture. Tumet, definitely," Lumo nodded.

I couldn't help but smile, imagining myself in the airship city. To have access to all of the ancient scrolls, histories of magicks, talking to the brightest minds. It was a dream.

"Originally, I thought Myrot. With a face like yours."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I laughed.

"He likes the cute ones."

I started to laugh, but Lumo only shrugged.

"Gods, I wish I could see them. Even just a glimpse of the Tumet sky ship would be a dream."

I leaned forward, looking up at the night sky from under the tent's low ceiling. Lumo leaned back against the log to look at them with me. The stars seemed so much brighter out here in the dark vast night, the only light that of the golden sparks of the magicked fire. It made all of my troubles feel so small, so tiny in the scope of things. Of time, of space.

"Can you tell me - what each of the other schools are like? I've only ever gotten to see the Herculea school because of my sister. But the others... You must have been to them since you work for the Guides. I mean - I'm sure you've seen them all. I know it sounds silly, but could you describe them to me?" I blurted, surprised at myself for asking.


"No?" I frowned. Perhaps I had found a sore spot. "I'm sorry -"

"No, I'd rather show you them myself. In person. I'll take you to see them, show you all of their little secrets..." he looked down again from the stars, mask still twinkling in the dark, "Maybe not now - but after you get settled. I promise."

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