Meme Saves The Day

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Two Days Later

In New York, In The Sewer Lair

Mikey and Tasneem were in the kitchen making cookies for everyone before they all watched a movie. "C'mon just one lick!" Mikey yelled trying to get the bowel from Tasneem. "No, Ew! Now stop or I'll steal your art supplies, Mikey!" Tasneem yelled at him as she tries to hold Mikey back from the mixed dough. "One lick won't hurt anyone!" Mikey said to her as he tried to grab the bowl from Tasneem. "It will give you salmonella." Tasneem said to him as she used her foot to push Mikey away. "A risk I'm willing to take. I've eaten cookie dough so many times and I'm perfectly fine." Mikey said to Tasneem and he gives Tasneem his puppy dog eyes. Tasneem sighed a little while removing her foot from Mikey's chest. "Fine, but only a little bit. If you get sick, that's not going to be my problem." Tasneem said to him then she hands Mikey the whisk. Mikey immediately grabs and ate the small pieces of dough off then he threw the whisk inside the sink after he finished eating. "You're the best!" Mikey yelled as he hugs Tasneem. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say, Mikey." Tasneem said to him with a red face before breaking the hug and she goes back to making the cookies. Mikey began to help Tasneem with shaping the cookies, using various cookie cutters that April give them. When the shaping of the cookies was down, Tasneem puts the cookies inside the oven and puts the timer on. "You know." Mikey said making Tasneem look at him to see Mikey sitting at the table. "My stomach does kind of feel funny." Mikey said to her making Tasneem sigh a little. "I told you not to eat the dough, didn't I?" Tasneem asks him as she walks over to Mikey and she sits down next to Mikey. "I know but it was so good." Mikey said to her as she moves closer to Tasneem. "You will be fine, Mikey." Tasneem said to him while she rubs the top of Mikey's head.

Later the teens were in the living room watching a Jupiter Jim movie while eating the cookies that Mikey and Tasneem made. "Time for today's training." Splinter calls them as he enters the room making the teens look at him to see his robe ripped and was exposes his underwear which horrifies the turtles. "It's a little drafty." Splinter said to himself. "Oh no!" Raph yelled while covering Jamey's eyes. "My eyes!" Mikey and Tasneem yelled while covering each other eyes. "That mole is growing a mole." Donnie said to them. "How is that even possible?" Cheyenne asks him. "We gotta get him a new robe." Leo said to them. "And fast before he..." Jesse said to them but Splinter cuts her off. "Who's up for jumping jacks?" Splinter asks them and he starts doing the jumping jacks in front of them making the teens scream in horror.

Later in the middle of New York City Street, Raph walks around the crowd in a hippo costume while the others were in the Turtle Trank. "What's the word? Am I clear?" Raph asks his group through a walkie-talkie who were in the Turtle Trank. "Looks Bueno from here." Leo said to his brother from the Turtle Trank with the others. "You are go for Operation Let's hope Raph comes back alive." Jamey said to them. "Sweetheart, please stop calling it that." Raph said to her. "Not happening." Jamey said to him. "A first-ever exploratory in daylight. They are gonna name sewer grates after you, pal." Donnie said to him.

On the street with Raph where no one finds him wearing a hippo costume. unusual, since there are many people in mascot costumes around Times Square. "I fit right in with all the mascots. This hippo suit works great in Times Square." Raph said to them. "Totally. But for the record, I still think my trench coat idea would've worked." Mikey said to him. "There's the store." Leo said to Raph after he finds the store from the Turtle Trank. "Go get Splinter's birthday gift. Our eyes depend on it." Mikey said to him as Raph walks to the store. "Steady as she goes." Leo said to Raph who was walking very calmly in the streets. "Old man on your right. Kid on your right." Leo said while Raph moves out of the way. "The kids have a peanut butter ice cream." Jesse said to Raph. "Oh no your allergies." Jamey said to Raph. "Evasive Maneuver! Evasive Maneuver!" Donnie and Cheyenne yelled at Raph through the walkie-talkie making Raph dodge the kid and walks on. "Close. Oh man. This is crazy cool. First turtle to ever skate through a crowd totally unnoticed and his name is Raph." Raph said to himself.

Inside the Turtle Trank, the group hears a beeping sound coming from the computer that makes them turn to it. They see a picture of April who has sent them an email. "Video text from April." Donnie said to them as Tasneem taps the touchscreen with her finger and the two see it was a meme. 

A hippo with 80's Raph's head, running around and pooping cookies

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A hippo with 80's Raph's head, running around and pooping cookies. 

"April's memes are so lit!" Mikey said to them as the group gets distracted by the meme. "You know I bet you think I would've like cookies coming out of butts, but it turns out I do." Donnie said to them. "If I was a video critic, I'll give it a 5 out of 5." Cheyenne said to them.

Back with Raph, who accidentally bumps into a man with a creepy smile. "Sorry. My bad?" Raph said to him, the creepy man just nods at Raph's apology, then walks away.  "You got this bud. Now go get that robe, our night terrors end today." Jesse said to Raph. "Yes." Raph said agreeing with her then he reached for his wallet but it was not there. "What? No no no. My wallet. My wallet. Excuse me, have you seen my wallet? There's a skull on it and a teddy bear Town Frequent buyer card inside." Raph said to the people. "Did he just say he lost his wallet?" Raph hears Jamey's voice from the walkie-talkie. "No!" Raph said to them. "Have you seen my lost money." Raphs whispers but the others can still hear him. "You did lose it!" Donnie yelled at him. "Oh no." Mikey said to himself. "Well, you better find it." Leo said to him.  

Mikey: Why does a hippo have pockets?

Donnie: Do not tell me you lost it in the lair.

Leo: Where's the last place you have it?

Jamey: Did you forget it in your room?

Tasneem: Did I cook his wallet in the cookies?

Jesse: Why is Raph not answering us?

Raph starts groaning angrily under his breath as he listens to the group rumbling questions. "Stop talking. STOP TALKING!" Raph yelled in angrily and he accidentally bumped into a guy, making him fall causing his hippo head to fall off. Raph looks up to see the humans looking at him. "Start the tank! Start the Tank!" Tasneem and Mikey yelled. Raph looks at the humans who were still looking at him while he thinks of a way to get out. "Your costume it's great! You're the turtle potamus meme right?" A woman asks Raph who was confused. "What meme? I mean yes meme. Yes, that meme." Raph said to her as he stands up. "Which meme now?" Raph asks her making everyone point up at a big screen.

 "Which meme now?" Raph asks her making everyone point up at a big screen

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"Yes! I'm that. There's nothing else in the world I could possibly be." Raph said to them with a smile. "You're the best and cleanest times square mascot I ever seen. Here's my baby. He loves memes." The woman said while handing Raph her baby and she takes a picture of the two. Then she takes her baby back and she even pays Raph and she walks away from him. "Ma'am, you misplace your 5$ bill directly into my palm." Raph said to her. "Roll with if bud. She's paying you for the picture." Leo said to him. "Keep working the crowd and maybe you can get back all of the money you lost." Jesse said to Raph. "Allegedly lost." Jamey said to her sister.

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