Down With The Sickness!

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Two Days Later

In New York

In The Sewer Lair

"CHEYENNE, YOU GOTTA COME HERE!" Mikey yelled making Cheyenne leave her room, she walks over to Mikey and Tasneem who were standing by Donnie's lab which was closed. "Mikey, what's wrong?" Cheyenne asks him making Mikey turn to her. "Donnie locked himself into his lab and he only talks to me through his dumb speaker." Mikey said to her. "And he says he will stay in his room for two weeks if he has to because he is working on something." Tasneem said to her making Cheyenne nod at them. "I will talk to him, okay. Go make some pizza or something." Cheyenne said to them making the two nod and they walks away to leave it to her. Cheyenne then knocks on the door then she hears a beep sound. "Go away, I am busy with something." Donnie said through the speaker. Cheyenne held a button on the speaker to talk to him. "Hi Donnie, it's me." Cheyenne said to him then there was a long pause then the doors were open, Donnie yanks Cheyenne in by her arm then he closes the doors again. Cheyenne looked at Donnie who was very tied, he had half-lidded eyes. It seems like he was having trouble with simply focusing on her. "Oh, Donnie, you look awful." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie walk over to her. "Cheye...Uhm, Cheyenne, uh....listen to me." Donnie said to her with his speech was sluggish and slurred. "Donnie, what's wrong?" Cheyenne asks him. Donnie suddenly gets closer to Cheyenne. "I was planning a second date with you but I can't find what else to do with you." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne smile at him. "Donnie, I enjoy the night with you and it was a perfect date." Cheyenne said to him. "No, it was not perfect. This is embarrassing and hurtful for my bad boy personal." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne laugh a little making Donnie push her away from him. "I'm not making fun of you, let me hug you." Cheyenne said to him. "But you were laughing at me." Donnie said to her most in a pitiful pout. "Well, you're just cute when you want to make another date thinking the first one was not perfect." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look at her. "Now let me hug you." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie glare at her. Donnie groaned and then roll his eyes before opening his arms. Cheyenne accepted the embrace so quickly that it makes Donnie quietly gasp. Donnie's nearly debilitating anxiety was washed over with happiness and excitement. Cheyenne was so warm and soft, Donnie squeezed Cheyenne against him and a newfound smile was on his face. "I like this." Donnie simply said to her. "Oh, that's good Donnie." Cheyenne said to him as Donnie starts swaying back and forth making her laugh. "Donnie, if you want to plan another date that's fine but then asks me for help. I don't want to see you like this again." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look at her. "Alright, that sounds like a plan." Donnie said to her.

Later that night, the titles were in the arcade room after Donnie and Cheyenne left the lab. Raph and Jamey were going against each other in a dancing machine. "I don't think he's got this." Leo said to them talking about Raph. "Hey! Leave him alone." Mikey said to him. "What? I'm just saying he doesn't have this." Leo said to him making Jesse put her arm around Leo. "Leon is right Raph doesn't have this if he going against my sister." Jesse said to them making Leo push her arm off of him. "You're just trying to get in my head." Raph said to her. "Yes, she is, and is it working?" Jamey asks Raph as she does a spin. "Oh, my peaches and cream, he just doubled." Donnie said to them. "Evermind." Jamey said to them. "It looks like you are back to yourself." Cheyenne said to Donnie who looks at her. "And it's all thanks to you." Donnie said to her with a little smile. "You are welcome, Donnie." Cheyenne said to him as Tasneem and Mikey started jumping up and down for no reason. "Rag! Now!" Raph yelled making Mikey jump over to Raph and he uses a rag to wipe the sweat from Raph's brow. "Have I ever told you how big and beautiful you are?" Mikey asks him. "No, but thank you." Raph said to him. "Says you, Mikey but you miss out sofie." Jamey said to him. "Oh, yeah." Tasneem said to them as Donnie gets closer to the game. "Uh, they are about to set a new high score. I can't watch, but I can't not watch!" Donnie yelled at them as Tasneem pops in front of Mikey. "LOOK OUT, MY SISTER IS WINNING!" Tasneem yelled making Mikey try to push her away from Raph as she was trying to mess him up. Jesse jumps behind Donnie and she puts her arm around him. "You know what they say about big-time moments?" Jesse asks Jamey and Raph. "Yes, I do. They say that in big-time moments, leaders make..." Raph said to her then the group hears Splinter yelling from behind them. "Brain!" Raph stops dancing before Jamey, who wins the game. "Oh, I win." Jamey said to herself.

The teens see Splinter clutching his head. "Ow, my brain!" Splinter yelled making the teens shriek at the sight of him. "No! Why?" Donnie said as Splinter inhales sharply and then sneezes weakly looking very ill. "Gesundheit." Leo said to him. "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, Splinter's a zombie!" Mikey yelled at them while grabbing Tasneem. "At this age, I cannot die!" Tasneem yelled while the two start hugging each other. "Mikey and Tasneem, zombies are interested in other people's brains." Donnie said to the two. "Rat Flu. This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill, guys." Raph said to them looking very serious.

" Raph said to them looking very serious

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