Hard As Nails

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In The Woods

Donnie, Mikey, Cheyenne, and Tasneem were on a truck that was going too deep into the woods. "Why is this mutant even in the woods?" Tasneem asks the group. "Who knows, maybe he is planning something evil and doesn't want anyone to see it." Donnie said to her with a smile. "Or..." Cheyenne said getting in front of Donnie. "He doesn't like the city and wanted to live in the woods." Cheyenne said to them. "Okay, no." Donnie said as he takes ahold of Cheyenne's waist pulling her into his chest. "Bad guys don't just leave the city because they don't like the city." Donnie said to her. "Hey, you ever know." Cheyenne said to him with a smile making Donnie's heart skip a beat. "Whatever." Donnie said to her while letting Cheyenne let. "What is happening right now?" Tasneem asks Mikey who leans onto her shoulder. "Who knows, but I find it cute that the two were very closer to each other." Mikey said to her with a smile. "Two nerds who are in love with each other but don't know it." Tasneem said to him making Mikey look at her. "Well, love works in different ways." Mikey said to her. "Then what is Jesse and Leo's relationship?" Tasneem asks him. "Doctor Feels has no idea what is happening there." Mikey said to her making Tasneem laugh a little.

Sometime later, the truck was about to go past the wood making the four jump out off.  "Thanks for the ride! Hah!" Mikey yelled then the four walked through the woods, one of Donnie's gadgets lighting the way. "I ran a profile on this guy. Lawless loner, doesn't pay his bills, lives in this very spooky forest." Donnie said to them while Mikey is clinging to Donnie's arm. "He is a ninety-eight percent match for the Spine-Breaking Bandit." Cheyenne said to them then Donnie pushes her down as the group ducked down behind the bushes when they spot the RV. "Pfft. I'm not scared of some no-good forest dweller! Let's see him and there's his RV." Mikey said to them then Cheyenne moves some of the bushes away. Then a figure appears in the doorway of the RV growling while opening his mouth with big teeth.  "Ah!" The four scream after seeing that. "That's the biggest forest dweller I've ever seen!" Mikey yelled while falling back. "He is totally gonna tear us to shreds!" Tasneem yelled while holding onto Cheyenne's arm. "I am calling the others!" Cheyenne yelled while taking out her phone. "NO!" Tasneem yelled while putting Cheyenne's phone back into her waist belt. "We got this. Think of all the boss adventures. We could have in the moon buggy!" Tasneem said to her.  "Ah, all right. If you are dead-set on doing this, we gotta go stealth." Cheyenne said to them while an unknown figure appears behind them. "Sneak-jitsu 101: Never let a spine breaker get behind you." Donnie said to them then a light flashed on the four. "No! He's behind us!" Donnie yelled as the four-run away in frightened to the RV. When they get next to the open door, a dog jumps out of the bushes to bark at them making them fall backward. "He is directly behind us!" Cheyenne yelled at them as the group runs through the RV. The inside is full of small creatures with glowing red eyes, the group run out of the RV only for them to fall over a picnic table. Then the mysterious mutant ends up behind them making the group turn as the mutant pulls a cord. "Hey, I'm Todd!" Todd said to them as the light overhead turned on. "Welcome to Cuddle Cakes Puppy Rescue, the puppy-est place on earth!" Todd said as puppies come bounding up from all directions. "Puppies." Donnie said to himself as puppies were all over him. "Right. And which one are you having for dinner?" Donnie asks Todd. "Oh, right! It's dinner time!" Todd yelled and he pulls another cord to fill up the trough with dog food.

Later the four turtles were at a picnic table with blankets wrapped around them. "Hey, you guys want some of my internet-famous homemade lemonade?" Todd asks them from inside the RV. "I donate it to folks in Alaska who need a little sunshine." Todd said as he hands the turtles a glass of lemonade. The turtles pick up the glasses and begin drinking through their straws then the four were surprised by the drink. "Oh, wow. This is pretty good." Tasneem said to Todd who smiles at her. "That honestly tastes exactly like sunshine." Donnie said to himself. "Really, yummy." Mikey said to himself. "Wow." Cheyenne said to herself and she looks at Todd. "Have any other flavors?" Tasneem asks him making Todd nod and he walks back to his RV. "Are you going to fish that?" Tasneem asks Cheyenne who gives her drink to her younger sister. "Thanks, you are the best." Tasneem said to her as Todd walks out of the RV holding two glasses. "This is my homemade mango watermelon." Todd said while handing Cheyenne and Tasneem a glass. "Men don't get this because women deserve something sweet like themselves." Todd said to them as the two sisters drank the mango watermelon. "I don't know about that." Donnie said to himself making Cheyenne kick Donnie off of his seat. "Ow." Donnie said while rubbing his head. "It tastes exactly like two flavors that were made for each other." Tasneem said with a smile as Donnie sits on his seat again. "And sidebar." Donnie said to them making the group move away from the table. "Cute puppies, nonprofit lemonade?" Donnie said and he sucks down the remainder of his lemonade. "This is no spine-breaking bandit." Cheyenne said to them. "He's the nicest guy in the world." Mikey said to them. "But we need that RV. We gotta be tough with him. Hard as nails." Donnie said then Mikey slurped the rest of his lemonade. "Got it." Mikey said to them.

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