Techno watched as Eret carried the shaking, broken Tommy away, and an incomprehensible turmoil of emotions filled him. Anger at whoever had hurt Tommy that bad. A need to go after Tommy and comfort him. A need to stay and avenge him. Sadness that Tommy could be in that much pain. Guilt that he hadn't been able to fix it sooner. Disgust at the idea that someone could hurt anyone that much, especially Tommy. And maybe a bit of anticipation to show the person who had hurt Tommy that much a piece of his mind- and maybe a fist to the face, many things are possible.

"Where is he?" Techno growled, turning on Principal Sam, "Where is the man that did that to Tommy?"

"I'm right here, BloodGod," a voice snarled, stepping out of the backroom and into Techno's view. Techno felt himself flinching away, hard, even as he had tried to suppress it. No. No. It couldn't be. No. Anyone else.

"D-Dream?" Techno asked, stepping backwards, terror screaming through him. He had been free. He had been safe, he had. He had. He- fuck! He had to find Tommy. He had to protect Tommy.

"That's right BloodGod, long time no see," Dream sneered, stepping closer to Techno, who was forcing down every sign of terror that he knew was so close to showing. He could not show fear. He could not risk anything. This was so fucking bad. Why did it have to be Dream!?

"Get out of my brother's face!" Wilbur yelled, shoving in front of Techno, standing between him and the man who still haunted so many of Techno's dreams.

"Wilbur, no!" Techno hissed, shoving his brother back behind him, stepping in front quickly. He would not let Dream hurt Wil. Dream could do anything to him, but he would not lay a hand on Wilbur.

"What's going on Tech?" Phil asked, seemingly at a loss, and Techno knew why. He knew Phil didn't know the man. Didn't even know the name. To this day Techno hadn't spoken it. Not since he had escaped. He had thought he'd never have to. Yet here he was, on the verge of a panic attack, faced with the one fear he had never been able to face.

"Yes, Tech," Dream sneered, "What is going on? Because from what I remember that's not your fucking name, and you have no brother. What happened to you? Where's the heartless killer I raised?"

Within a second of the last word, Wilbur had dodged around Techno, who was frozen in panic, and had launched himself at Dream, only to be easily knocked aside. Techno knew none of them would win against Dream. Not even Techno would win. He stood, stock still, too terrified to move, waiting for Dream to lash out the way he had all those times before. Waiting for the pain.

"Don't touch my kid," Phil snapped, stepping close to Dream, fury radiating from his voice, and only then did Techno fully register the damage Dream had done to his brother. Wilbur was on the ground, his nose bleeding badly, with Sally kneeling next to him, trying desperately to help. That snapped Techno out of his panic faster then anything else.

He shoved himself between his father and Dream, not caring about the danger. He refused to let Dream hurt another family member today.

"I am not yours. Tommy is not yours. You are not going to hurt anyone again. I can promise you that," Techno growled, his voice dropping to the threatening tone he so rarely used, "You will fucking pay for that."

"You can't hurt me Techno, and neither can they, you know that," Dream snorted, laughter edging slightly on his voice.

"Did you hurt Tommy?" Techno asked, forcing his voice to be steady, forcing the terror out of it. He knew the rest of his friends were all watching the exchange, he knew none of them understood what was going on, and he knew if he wasn't careful he'd panic, and then Dream would have won, because Dream was a fighter, and Techno was the only one here who stood a chance at beating him.

"Only when he deserved it."

With those words, Techno threw himself at Dream, not caring that Dream could hurt him, not caring that he could end up more broken then he was now, Dream had hurt Tommy and Techno would not let that go.

He latched on, gripping Dream's throat and shoving him to the floor. For the first time in years, Techno wished he had his old weapons with him. The weapons he had abandoned the moment he had discovered the pure joy of knowing safety.

He had Dream pinned within a second, but Dream fought back, and all too quickly had flipped them over, now pinning him. Techno smashed his head into Dream's, hard. In the second Dream recoiled, he pulled himself out from being pinned, panting heavily as he felt the old skills rushing back to him. Even as unused as they had been in years, they had never left. Techno was a fighter, always had been, always would be.

He launched himself at Dream again, only to be stopped by Dream's foot, kicking back at him, landing in Techno's stomach. He gasped in pain as the air flooded out. He went to attack again, but now Quackity was between them. He better not be defending Dream- Quackity launched himself at Dream, receiving a punch to the face and what looked to be a newly broken nose, but it didn't stop him. He latched on, gripping tightly at Dream's neck, holding him down.

Techno saw what he was doing and immediately joined, holding Dream's legs down. The rest of the group registered what was happening, and Niki and Sally both latched onto Dream's arms, holding him there.

"What the hell is going on?" Sam asked, clearly stunned at the fight that had broken out in front of him.

"I finally found the man who is deserving of a lifetime sentence in jail," Techno replied, his voice dulling from the fury to exhaustion. It had been a long, long day. With those words the darkness closed around his eyes, and he felt himself topple backwards. Oh... That hit to the head must've done more damage then he had realised.


Wilbur POV:

Techno fell backwards, landing heavily, and instantly Wilbur was by his brother's side, holding him up and scanning for injuries. There was a large bump forming on his forehead, he must've hurt it badly.

"Techno needs to go to the hospital!" Wilbur yelled, "Someone call an ambulance!"

"Call the police too," Phil added as Sam quickly dialled the emergency number. He nodded, speaking into the phone in a low tone. Wilbur didn't catch the words but he hoped like hell that the principal was calling for help.

Wilbur leaned his brother's body against his own, sitting on Dream's legs, not letting him come out from being pinned down. Holy shit. Wilbur didn't even know what had happened. Tommy had freaked out, Eret had taken him away, Dream had shown up, and Techno had... Techno had panicked. Wilbur hadn't seen the pure terror that had filled Techno's eyes in a long time. Not since he first arrived. They had recognised each other. Dream had called Techno 'BloodGod'? And he'd said Techno was a killer? And said he'd raised him? It didn't make sense. It didn't.

All Wilbur knew was that Dream had hurt Tommy, and he'd clearly hurt Techno, and well, now he had hurt him and Quackity too.

"Please tell me someone knows what's going on," Wilbur whispered, his voice breaking as he ran his fingers through his unconscious brother's hair. Techno's heart was beating and he was breathing, that much was good.

"I have no idea," Phil sighed, and with that everyone in the room seemed to fold, realising that no one knew what was going.

Ranboo Conner and Purpled were huddled together in a corner, with Fundy in front of them, having clearly pulled them from the danger.

Words: 2000

A/N: had a social event yesterday (that I didn't enjoy and didn't rlly want to go to but that's beside the point), so I couldn't post then, but hey, long chapter today to make up for it!

Also right after writing last chapter I cosplayed Shroud (Tommy's spider on dsmp) very proud of that one if I'm honest- (posted on TikTok, same user as this one, @belicorn123) :D

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now