prison break

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When I finally woke up it felt like I slept on a rock pile leaning up I saw I was in a really old cell the light was broken and leaning on the bed but the wire wasn't broken next to a toilet under the sink was and old rusted companion with no head.

The floor was wet I don't really want to think of what the liquid was but the cell door was closed and locked with a single drone flying past over and over and right in front of the bed was a broken vent but I would definitely not fit in.

"Right... Blazer you bastard" my shoulder still hurts from the shots I was about to rub them but as soon as I touched them it suddenly hurts way more standing up from the bed I looked out from the bars of the door I couldn't see to much and the drone ignored me a continuing it's little patrol.

I definitely couldn't use the light as a weapon too big for me to carry and I couldn't use it to open the door suddenly I heard small feet tapping from the vent and suddenly Stray crawled out.

"Stray guess that jerk tricked you too... And your bag is gone did they take B-12?" I kneeled down giving Stray a scratch he meowed rubbing his head on my hand.

"Sorry buddy but I don't think I can get out of here you gotta find the others promise to come back for me through okay?" Looked like Stray understood and gave my hand a comforting lick and crawled back into the vent soon I saw Stray run past my cell.

Now it's just a waiting game really...

God I swear when I see Blazer again I'm gonna turn him into a toaster I don't know electronics but I'll find an instruction book somehow.

Bet those gold chains were fake too...

A few times I tried to get the drone to come closer to my cell I don't know maybe I could grab it or hit it break it some something but all it did was ignore me probably because I'm not a threat at the moment.

But soon Stray came back he quickly gave me a bunch of keys and hid I waited for the drone to pass by and fiddled around with they keys and found the right one as soon as I opened the cell I ran and hid behind a big trash container.

Stray went to my side and lead me up one of the levels by climbing the container I saw the others waiting once they saw me climb up they all ran over.

"Human you're okay thank goodness!" Momo gave me a hug but pulled back for Doc to quickly look me down.

"You're not injured?" I shook my head Seamus pulled his father back to stop him from examining me to much.

"When Blazer brought you in I nearly malfunctioned I swear when I see him I'll beat him to a pulp" Clementine huffed folding her arms.

"You and me both but we should focus on getting out of here and finding B-12" Stray seemed to agree with me and the others nodded.

"Right that's a good idea where not safe just yet" Clementine nodded I handed her the keys and picked up Stray we walked over to a bigger gate and Clementine unlocked it.

"I knew that Blazer guy was suspicious..." Seamus mumbled hugging his arms to stop his shaking Doc put his hand on his son's shoulder as a form of encouragement.

We walked down stairs and was about to go through another door when Stray jumped from my arms and ran over to the railings meowing at us to follow looking over we saw B-12 in some kind of box.

"So much security for one little drone..." Doc muttered.

"He's not just a drone..." He really wasn't Stray meowed and looked at us.

"Don't worry let's get him back" Clementine waved us to follow her to another door we all slowly walked behind her Clementine held her hand out to stop me from getting ahead.

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