Out in the open

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It's so cold.

I can't move.

Is this sleep paralysis?

No I would be able to open my eyes if it was.

What's happening?

I'm scared.


I heard a noise.

What was that?


Ah I'm falling.

I heard a whirring sound and a hiss as I hit the floor I tried to put my hands out to at least save my face my that didn't work out.

"Oh my a human is it alive?" I could feel something soft poke my cheek and I lifted my head up to see a small orange cat and a smaller drone.

"Oh! Oh! It is are you okay human that was quite the fall I'm surprised you're alive that cryopod looked quite banged up" the drone spoke floating a bit closer.

"Cryopod..." Ow my throat hurts why?

"Yes I believe your memory might be hazy you must have been in there for hundreds of years" wait did it say hundreds? That's not right I think.

"Hundreds what? I don't understand" I sat myself up not wanting to lay on my stomach on the floor that orange cat walked closer to take a sniff.

"Ah. I apologize but this may be slightly overwhelming since you only just got out of your pod but humanity is gone you must be the only one left since most cryopods were destroyed or malfunctioned you are very lucky" the drone lowered itself probably to show it's sympathy.

"Last human? No the plan...it failed?" My vision got slightly blurry as tears gathered in my eyes the cat let out a small sound and jumped into my lap pushing it's head under my hand.

"I'm sorry but keeping that information would be wrong of me I understand that you may need time to process this but time is rather short me and this cat are trying to get to the outside perhaps it would be in your best interest to come with us?" The drone showed a picture of a beach the picture must be very old since the edges were cut and crinkled.

"Outside? Really?" The drone nodded and put the picture back.

"I don't think I have much options" the cat seemed to agree and hopped out of my lap the drone seems pleased I quickly whipped my face I'll think more about this in a better time.

"Ah very good me and the cat believe we found a way to a safe zone follow us" the drone and cat moved to the door it was slightly opened and I could see some orange light.

Standing up I took a quick look around the room I was in it was completely messy dust and random junk was everywhere the cat meowed showing its impatience I perked up and walked over pulling the door open enough for me to fit through.

When I walked out the other two turned right towards a bigger version of the picture painted on the walls I quickly followed them to a ledge with a bucket hanging on a line.

"This seems to be the only way down I surely doubt the human can fit in the bucket" the drone says seemingly talking to the cat.

"I'm pretty sure the rope couldn't even hold me" the drone floated towards the rope and scanned it I think.

"Hmm the rope is made of metal so it won't break...Oh! You should find a bent pole or something similar then you can go down" that actually sounds like it could work maybe in the room I could find something.

"Okay I'll check in the room I saw some stuff like that" the cat meowed in agreement and followed me back into the room we both dug around the piles of trash where did all this come from! Surely it wasn't here before.

"Oh I think this will be perfect" I held out a bike handle I won't think about why it's here but it's perfect.

"Agreed now keep in mind when we land we will have to run I'm positive there are zurks there" the drone stated as we all walked back to the ledge.

"Wait zurks? There still around?" The cat seemed to growl at the name.

"Yes infact they pretty much took over the lower level so far only midtown is uneffected" midtown? That's where mostly the rich people are right? Ah I don't remember.

Looking down I could see glowing eggs and the zurks eww.

"Okay cat you should jump in the bucket as soon as you go then the human will go" the cat gave a meow the drone floated into it's backpack and I flipped the bike handle and prepared to follow.

The cat jumped into the bucket and started going down quickly I followed through for someone who's been on ice for around a hundred years I can still surprisingly hold my weight.

As the cat jumped out of the bucket it caught the attention of the zurks I jumped over and we both started running but there was a blocked passage with a small whole.

Two zurks jumped on me one on my leg other my arm and started chewing I yelled ripping off the one on my arm and quickly kicking off the other me and the cat jumped onto the trash can.

The zurks were having trouble jumping up giving me time to rip some of the wooden boards off they were barely nailed on the cat batting some of the zurks away I finally got it big enough to fit me through I let the cat jump in first and I crawled in kicking the bin over most likely crushing some of the zurks from what I could hear.

"Whoa that was close human you're injured!" The drone poped out of the cats backpack I looked at my arm ripping off the zurk caused a small chunk of my skin to go with it my leg was bleeding a bit too.

"Yeah ripping it off was a bad idea but I'm sure we can find some cloth to cover it soon"

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