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Momo must have started feeling awkward because he was looking around the room probably to try and find something to say or was trying to figure out his words.

"Your screen looks cool none of the others have anything like that" jeez okay that was a pretty shitty starter but it seems Momo liked it.

"Thank you I...uh like your clothes" aww unfortunately there is some rips on my pants almost made them look like ripped jeans.

"Ah thanks" I rubbed my arms maybe I should have asked Kosma if they had a spare jackets Momo turned his head spotting my bandage.

"You're injured? I remember hearing humans can permanently lose limbs after injury's" Momo walked over to inspect my arm.

"Oh hah only if it's a really really bad one or it gets badly infected I'm all good through just a bad encounter with a few zurks" Momo nodded but gently held my arm he froze for a second and then started to softly squish my arm in fascination.

"Wow Doc was right soft ones are soft" okay that's hilarious.

"Well I mean it's in the name right?"

"Yes but I just thought it was because your kind wore soft clothes" but don't you guys wear clothes? Suddenly my stomach growled causing Momo to stare at me in surprise.

"Ah sorry human stomachs do that when there hungry... I doubt you have any organic foods?" Couldn't hurt to ask.

"Hmm I remember when Clementine was exploring the sewers once and brought back a bunch of boxes with cans maybe you and I look?" Oh my god there maybe actual food!

"Really? Thank you for a sec I thought I'd die of starvation" Momo walked to a little caged door and opened it.

"Oh right humans die without food in that case you can keep all of them I don't really need them their in one of these boxes" peaking over Momo's shoulder I saw piles of boxes and a toilet?

Me and Momo searched through a few boxes he had a lot of stuff from clothes to little electronics maybe they were Doc's stuff? But Momo eventually found them.

"Oh Oh! Human I found them!" YESS! I turned to Momo as he was holding up one of the cans taking it I read the label.

'Peas' I turned it around to look for a expiry date 'thanks to new food enhancement this brand will not expire' food that doesn't expire?! Jeez what else did I miss out in the future.

"Thanks Momo this is perfect I'll probably need a bag if I'm gonna cary this around" I don't remember seeing a bag around when I was on the roofs.

"Here this was Clementine's you can borrow it" wow maybe when I go back to the bar I can ask Jacob if he has any bottled water.

After Momo helped me stuff the bag full of every can I put it over my back it was a little heavy but I can manage.

"We should go to the bar and set up the computer" huh I didn't see a computer in the bar maybe I was too thirsty to care.

Momo grabbed a few boxes staked together but I quickly took one to help him out he let out a small noise so far from my experience that noise means there happy.

Momo then opened a door with stairs that leads down I couldn't help but stare at it in pain...all that climbing was for nothing.

"Oh wait let me write a note for the little outsider" Momo put down his box and quickly dashed to make a little note I couldn't read it but he quickly taped it onto the tv.

Then we began to make our way to the bar walking past the elevator I saw the Guardian practicing with their staff it looks pretty cool I guess Momo saw too.

"We are very lucky to have the Guardian he makes sure no zurks get in the slums" we finally walked into the bar and Momo began setting up the computer I didn't really know what to do so I set up some chairs and one for Stray when they get back.

"Alright all set up now we just need to wait I'll stand outside to keep an eye out of Stray" perfect knowing the little cat I know they'll make it back.

While I was waiting I asked Jacob if he had any empty bottles I can fill up of water he only had 3 but that was just enough soon I heard excited beeps from Momo Stray must be back.

"Hey little furball come here I managed to get a signal" oh looking at the computer it seems he did I must have not been paying attention.

Momo quickly ran back in the bar bumping into Teddy he took his seat and patted the spare chair I brought out.

Stray hopped up and Momo gave him a pat on the head I gave them a little scratch under the chin little kitty must have done a lot of running.

"Let me see if I can get this thing working" after a few noices from the computer a blue face popped on the screen.

"I've almost got it" Momo made a few more taps on the keyboard.


"Hello! Yes we can hear you! We are from the slums we're looking for a way out and...wait, is that you Zbaltazer?" Zbaltazer? One of Momo's friends!


"I ... I can't believe it. I'm so happy to hear your voice Zbaltazer! Where are you? Are the others okay?"


"Hello? Do you still hear me?"


"Sewers?! How? Hello?!" Momo kept trying to get back the signal but it seems it's no use.

"Darn it! We've lost the signal" Momo slammed his fist on the desk and turned to us.

"I can't believe it, Zbaltazer is alive! He and the other outsiders managed to go up the sewers? The sewers are the most dangerous place in the slums but if Zbaltazer made it, there must be a way"

Then a bot turned around it was the one sleeping earlier he slammed his cup onto the desk.

"You'll never get past the sewers. It's infested with zurks! They'll make a quick meal out of you. Especially you organics!" The bot pointed to me and Stray.

"Many tried their luck in the past. It doesn't end well. Anyway I warned you. Your business is none of my business" the bot stood up and stormed out of the bar.

"Mpff... Seamus... His father, Doc, used to be a great scientist. He was working on some new weapon to fight the zurks. A few years ago he went off to test the device and never came back. Seamus has never been the same since" poor guy I didn't even think companions could have children.

"Don't listen to Seamus. He's just scared like I was. If Doc built a weapon, that's our ticket to join the outsiders! In his notebook, Doc mentioned a secret lab a few times. That must be where he was working on it there might be a clue in Seamus' apartment. Come on, follow me!" Momo stood up and started to lead us to Seamus' apartment.

Once we got there Momo started banging on the door.

"Come on Seamus, open the door! You know your father would have wanted to help us" it seems it was no use so Momo gave up and turned to us.

"Well, that was to be expected. This situation is pretty tough on Seamus. He doesn't want to hear about the outsiders anymore. He won't help me but you..." Momo turned to Stray.

"I think I have an idea" Momo walked over to a plank of wood and moved it to the side.

"Here. Take Doc's notebook and show it to Seamus. It contains a lot of information that will hopefully act as an electroshock. Find the secret lab little outsider. Me and the human will be going back to the bar to try to reestablish communication with the others" Me and Momo gave Stray a thumbs up Stray rubbed up on my leg and walked into the apartment.

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