Chapter 12

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Tw: attempted murder and betrayal

Third person POV

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There's no pain, no screaming, nothing. It was very quiet. Tommy thought that he died until he felt himself breathing and his heart beating. He cracked his eyes open and looked up. A women was standing over him. She was tall with long black hair, a black and purple dress, a black face veil, and a black and purple hat. She was glaring down at Wilbur and Phil. They both looked incredibly nervous. "Kristin! My love!" Phil says. Kristen glares at him and says "you promised to take care of Tommy. You broke your promise." Phil laughed nervously "I don't know what you're talking about." "Phil and Wilbur I am incredibly disappointed in you. You promised to take care of Tommy and protect him. Now here you are trying to murder Tommy." Kristen says. Despite not having raised her voice, she was still very intimidating. She made it very clear that she was angry with Phil and Wilbur without raising her voice. She turns to Dream and smiles "Thank you so much for taking care of my sunflower." Dream nods and bows slightly to her. She then turned back to Wilbur and Phil. "You two should be very disappointed in yourselves. I trusted you and you continuously betray Tommy." She glowers at them and they cower away from her. They run out the door and Kristen smiles. She turns to Tommy and leans down. She still towers over him but she looks less intimidating than before. She then shrinks down so she's not as tall as she was. "Tommy! I am your mother. I am so so so sorry for not being there. I was busy and couldn't find time. Remember I love you. I have to go back to work now." She says before disappearing. Dream ran over to Tommy and hugged him. "Toms! I'm so glad you aren't dead. I love you so much." Tubbo and Ranboo just hug Tommy and they all just enjoy the moment. Eventually Michael, Shroud, and Puffy join the hug as well. Tommy starts to feel safe again. He felt loved and happy.

Tommy awoke that night to his wings hurting him. He went to his dads room and he shook Dream awake. "Dad my wings really hurt. Is something happening to them?" Tommy asks. Dream turns on the light and looks at Tommy's wings. "They're healing Toms. You're getting back feathers and your scars are healing." Dream explains. Tommy smiles and hugs Dream. Dream hugs him back and they both fall back to sleep.

Tommy wakes up and stands up. He goes over to the kitchen and starts to make breakfast. Tubbo walks over and hugs Tommy. "What you makin' boss man?" Tubbo asks. "Some pancakes and bread." Tubbo cheered "your foods the best." Tommy smiles but doesn't say anything. Ranboo and Dream both walked in, Ranboo being chased by two young children. Tubbo laughs while setting the table and Tommy laughs light heartedly. Shroud ran over to Tommy and crawled up his legs and his torso. He settled on Tommy's shoulders. Tubbo and Ranboo just watched, in slight terror, as Shroud crawled up and Tommy didn't freak out. This is normal to Tommy because Shroud likes to climb up onto his shoulders. "tomMY WHaT ThE ACtUAl FUcK." Tubbo shrieks, voice high pitched and terrified. Tommy doesn't say anything but Shroud turns around and sticks his tongue. "HEY! Don't stick your tongue out at me! I'm going to be your father one day!" Tubbo yells. Tommy and Ranboo laugh at Tubbo being offended by a child. Shroud sits down on Tommy's shoulders and watched his dad make food.

Finally Tommy finished the food and put it down on the table. Everyone sat at the table and ate. "Your food is just as good as I remember it." Tubbo says eating some of the bread. Shroud and Michael both eat pancakes and bread and they both really like it. "I can't wait to have mommy's cooking everyday!" Michael yells. Tommy blushes (embarrassment) "No No No Michael it's Tommy! T-o-m-m-y. Tommy not mommy." Tubbo and Ranboo both laugh at Tommy's embarrassment. "Oi! Both of you shut up!" Tommy yells blushing even more from the embarrassment. "Ok ok ok we're sorry Tommy." Tubbo says hugging Tommy to sooth his rage. Tommy leans into Tubbo's touch and falls asleep. "Holy shit. He fell asleep so fast. Dream do you know how much he slept last night?" Tubbo asks. "His wings are healing and it hurts a lot so he probably didn't get as much sleep as he could." Dream explains. Tubbo sighs and rubs Tommy's back "I hope he will get better."

Hello humans. Did you like this chapter? I tried to make it a little more wholesome. I love you all! Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water<3

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