Chapter 11

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Tw: panic attack, swearing, suicidal thoughts, intrusive thoughts, technically attempted suicide, and implied murder

Third person POV

Tommy had been more on edge because Wilbur had been spotted near Puffy's house. Everyone had been preparing for the worst case scenario where Wilbur found them. Dream was with Tommy almost constantly because Tommy couldn't be trusted to not hurt or kill himself. Wilbur was a very triggering thing for Tommy and he was genuinely terrified. A knock sounded at the door and Puffy looked through the window. "Tommy hide! Wilbur's here!" Puffy whispers in a panicked voice. Tommy doesn't make it upstairs before the door is kicked down. "We know Tommy is here. Where is he?" Wilbur demanded. Dream says "we don't know what you're talking about. Tommy isn't here." Tommy almost makes it before he feels a hand dragging him back downstairs. "I found him Wil." A clear British accent said. Tommy struggles to get out of the hold but Phil keeps a tight hold. For an old man he's surprisingly strong. Tommy thinks bitterly. He's dragged into the kitchen and dropped into the middle of the kitchen floor. Someone grabs Tommy around the neck and pulls him up. The grip is strong and Tommy knows that it could break his air pipe. Not that he cares because he wants to die, although dying to Wilbur would not be ideal. Tommy doesn't struggle but he isn't a helpless captive. Dream is obviously pissed at seeing his son being threatened. "Don't do anything rash here Dream. Tommy's life depends on it." Wilbur states, an arrogant smirk clear in his voice. Dream glares at Wilbur, ready to fight at a moments notice. Tommy takes note of his position and quickly locates a way to escape. He kicks Wilbur I'm the balls and immediately escapes. Wilbur falls to the floor in pain and Phil glares at Tommy. He helps Wilbur up and they both glare after Tommy. Tommy manages to get to Dream. "You little bitch!" Wilbur screams. Tommy flinches and hides behind Dream. Dream puts a protective arm in front of Tommy. "Don't. Touch. My. Son!" Dream yells, startling Wilbur and Phil. Tommy curls up behind Dream and Dream realizes that he is having a panic attack. "Tubbo make sure they don't come near us. I'll protect the kids and Toms. You both take care of Phil and Wilbur." Dream says. Tubbo nods and goes over to where Dream had been standing. Ranboo is standing right beside him and both of them are pissed. "Sweetheart? It's me Dream. Can I touch you?" Dream asks calmly and sweetly. Tommy nods and Dream hugs him. "Follow my breathing. Breath in 2,3,4,5,6,7 hold 2,3,4 breath out 2,3,4,5,6,7. Repeat that three more times." Dream says in a calming voice. Tommy's breathing regulates and Dream holds him slightly closer. "C'mon Toms. Let's go protect the kids." Dream says helping Tommy up.

It had been a few hours since they had locked themselves in the room. Tubbo and Ranboo were with them as well as Puffy. They had escaped from Wilbur and Phil's wrath and they were all huddled in the room. Tommy, Dream, Shroud, and Michael were all on the other side of the room. They could hear Wilbur and Phil walking around outside. "Tommy! Where are you? Come on out to your dear brother and father!" Wilbur says in an insane voice. It was night and cold wind whipped at true windows. The moon shone brightly through the windows and the stars twinkled. Fireflies danced, crickets chirped, frogs sang, and owls hooted. The dark trees stood out against the field of grass. It was a relatively calm night despite what was going on. Niki and Jack had joined the search some time ago. They were checking the downstairs. Puffy's house wasn't huge. The only reason they hadn't been found was because they had changed rooms and floors. Now they had cornered themselves in this room. Tommy was starting to panic because they were getting closer and closer to their room. He wasn't worried for himself. No, he was worried for everyone else. Tubbo and Ranboo both had a life. They had a kid and they deserved life. Dream was an amazing person and the SMP would fall apart without the admin. Puffy is a kindhearted soul who people can rely on. Michael and Shroud are both young and they have their entire lives ahead of them. Tommy didn't care for his own life because his life didn't matter. People didn't care about him so why should he care about himself? Deep down he knows that Dream, Shroud, Tubbo, Ranboo, Puffy, and Michael all care about him but his mind tells him that no one care about him and he chooses to believe his mind. Tommy gets snapped out of his thoughts by the door being forced open. He can see Wilbur's insane eyes and he's terrified. He doesn't want anyone else in this room to get hurt. Tommy stand up but Dream grabs his wrist. "Toms I know what you're thinking. Don't you fucking dare do it. We care about you so so much and if you do this then we will be pissed." Dream says. Tommy can tell that tears are forming even if he can see Dreams face. Tommy smiles then pulls out of Dreams grasp. Tubbo stands up and tried to drag him back down. Tommy won't allow that though so he just continues forward. Tommy gets pulled back and held down by Ranboo and Tubbo. "We will not let you do it." Tubbo says. Tommy struggles to get up and fails miserably. Wilbur finally gets into the room. His eyes stay trained on Tommy and he move quickly. Wilbur gets to Tommy in record time. He stabs the knife downwards and...

Cliffhanger bitches!<3 hello humans. How are you?  Happy dia de los muertos if you celebrate it. I love you all! Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water<3

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