Chapter 1

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Tw:nightmares, implied trauma, sleep deprivation, eating disorder, intrusive thoughts, and a panic attack

Third person POV

Tommy jerked up from the bed in a cold sweat and tears rolling down his face. He had a nightmare about Wilbur and exile. Dream had been there to help him in real life. The nightmare didn't have Dream and so Tommy was stuck. In exile...with Wilbur...all alone. Dream, who had probably been awakened by Tommy's sobs, rushed into Tommy's room and hugged him. He whispered comforting things and helped Tommy calm down. "What happened Toms?" Dream asked Dream. "I was in exile and Wilbur was tormenting me." Tommy sobs. Dream just hugged Tommy tighter. "Wilbur isn't here Toms. He can't hurt you." Dream says soothingly. Tommy nods, tears slowly coming to a stop. Dream smiled at him and continued petting his hair. Tommy drifted back off to sleep.

The next morning Tommy woke up to Dream opening the door. "Hey Toms, someone's here to see you." Dream says. Tommy looks at Dream a little confused and asks "who is it." Dream smiles at him and says "Tubbo and Ranboo." Tommy sat up immediately. "Wait really?" Tommy asks. "Yes really now come on they're waiting for you and Shroud." Dream says. Tommy jumps up immediately and scurry's to get dressed. He then runs down the stairs and gets Shroud. He puts on his shoes and help Shroud put on his shoes. Tommy then yells by to Dream and runs out the door. Tubbo and Ranboo were waiting and once they saw Tommy they run and hug each other. Michael and Shroud run around and play together in the flower field. Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo were all laying on the hill overlooking the flower field. Tommy was trying really hard to stay awake as he hadn't gotten a good nights sleep since exile. Ranboo seemed to notice that Tommy was tired as he asked "Toms did you sleep well last night?" Tommy nods although Tubbo and Ranboo obviously don't believe it. "Tommy we know you're tired. Just sleep, also Dream told us you haven't had a goodnight sleep since exile started." Tubbo said. Tommy eventually falls asleep and Tubbo looks up at Ranboo with a concerned expression. "Boo we need to help him. Dream is trying as hard as he can but Tommy really needs help." "I know, bee, I know... but how are we going to do that." Ranboo asks. Tubbo looked deep in thought then eventually said "we both like him platonically and Michael really likes Tommy so if Dream lets us we can platonically marry him. Ranboo nods looking down at Tommy. He immediately noticed that Tommy was crying and shaking in his sleep. Ranboo's eyes widened and he looked back at Tubbo, who shared the same expression. Ranboo immediately started shaking Tommy to wake him up. "Toms wake up. Please wake up." Tubbo says worriedly. Tommy shot up and immediately starts sobbing, not realizing that Tubbo and Ranboo were watching him with concerned expressions. Tubbo reached out and pulled Tommy back into his chest to try and calm him down. Tommy finally realized that Tubbo and Ranboo were there which only made things worse for him. Pathetic fucking bitch. They think you're weak. They're going to leave you. They're going to hurt you. They will leave you. They don't care about you. They think your pathetic! The voices screamed in Tommy's head. Tommy starts having a full on panic attack. Tubbo panics and let's go of Tommy. Tommy curls into a ball, sobbing and shaking. "Tommy can I touch you?" Tubbo asks. Tommy hesitates for a second. Let them! They're going to hurt you. You deserve pain! Do it. Tommy nods agreeing with the voices in his head. Tubbo pulls Tommy into a hug and says "listen to my voice and my breathing. Try to copy my breathing." Tommy does as Tubbo instructs. Tubbo smiles at Tommy and says "good! Now name five things you can feel." "You, grass, wind, my breath, and your heart beat." "Now name four things you can hear." "Your breathing, my heartbeat, the wind, Michael and Shroud playing." "Now name three things you see." "You, the grass, my arms." "Name two things you smell." "The grass and you." "Name one thing you can taste." "Uhmmm would it count if I said teeth? I don't have anything else I can think of." Tommy laughs. Tubbo smiles and says "yeah sure do whatever bitch." Tubbo says shoving Tommy playfully. Tommy smiles but their antics are interrupted by Ranboo saying "I'm sorry Tommy but why did you says you taste teeth? Like I know it's true but I don't like it." Ranboo says. Tommy laughs "I honestly don't know. I just wanted to." Tommy admits. Ranboo sighs but smiles fondly. Shroud and Michael come running up the hill giggling. Shroud jumps on Tommy and Michael hugs Ranboo. "Michael why don't you hug meeeeee?" Tubbo whines. Michael just sticks his tongue out at Tubbo and Ranboo laughs with Tommy. "Well we know who the favorite is now." Ranboo says. Tubbo bleats out an annoyed sound and looks away from Ranboo. "Hey guys I have to go back home because Shroud is getting tired." Tommy says. "We can walk you home. We want to talk to Dream anyways." Tubbo says. Tommy nods then picks up shroud.

They get back to Tommy's house. Tommy takes Shroud up to bed. Tubbo and Ranboo go find Dream. "Hey Dream? Can we talk to you?" Tubbo asks. Dream puts down his book but he's smiling. "Sure Tubbo and Ranboo. what do you want to talk about?" Dream asks. "We wanted to know if we would be allowed to platonically marry Tommy. Michael really likes him and he needs a lot of help." Ranboo says, slightly worried that Dream would be upset. Instead Dream just nods. Yeah that would be fine just as long as Toms is ok with it." Dream says. Tubbo and Ranboo nod with smiles. "Hey guys. What are you doing?" Tommy asks rubbing his eyes. "Hey Toms we were just talking about what you guys did today." Dream answers. Tommy nods then goes to sit next to Dream. "Oh yeah Toms! Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl will be coming over tomorrow!" Dream says. Tommy looks up and smiles. "Yay! I miss them. It's been a while since I saw them." Tommy says. Dream nods with a smile. "Why would Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity be coming over?" Tubbo asks. "Sapnap is kind of like Dreams brother so he acts like an uncle figure for me." Tommy answers. "Oh ok. I honestly didn't know you and Sapnap were that close Dream." Ranboo says. Dream smiles "we were childhood best friends. Sapnap and I have always been close. George is also kind of like an uncle to Tommy." "That's nice to know. It was good talking to you Dream and Tommy but we have to go now. Michaels getting tired." Tubbo says. "Bye! Have a good night Tubbo." Tommy says. "Hey Tubbo, Ranboo? Can I talk to you guys in the other room?" Dream asks quietly. Tubbo and Ranboo nod and follow Dream to the other room. "I need to tell you that, since exile, Tommy's been struggling with a lot of things like sleep, eating, and depression. If he does say yes to the platonic marriage please take care of him. He hates himself and I'm trying to help him with it." Dream whispers. Tubbo and Ranboo both nod with understanding. Everyone says goodbye and they leave back to Snowchester. Tommy and Dream cuddle for the rest of the night.

Hello humans! I'm sorry if I don't post tomorrow. My friend wants to hang out. Anyways how are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water<3

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