Chapter 8

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Tw: swearing, attempted murder, mentions of attempted murder, intrusive thoughts, mentions of nukes, cutting, sleep deprivation, and eating disorder

Third person POV

Everyone was sitting around the fire trying to keep warm. It was almost Halloween so the weather was much colder. They were all huddled around the fire in the cave. The only noise was talking and a few birds that had yet to migrate south. Wind rushed outside and reached it's long tendrils into the cave. It tried to grasp at anything it could but everyone was so far back into the cave that it didn't affect them. It was still cold though. Especially at night because they had no blankets, no fresh clothes, and they were running out of supplies for the fire. They had their axes and stuff but they could only cut down so many trees before they would be detected. "We have to go back to the SMP." Tubbo said. Everyone was freezing despite the fire and the fact that the wind couldn't reach them. Everyone nodded in agreement even if they were scared. "I can ask Puffy or Sapnap if they could help us." Dream suggested. "Ask Puffy first. Sapnap is being monitored by Wilbur and Phil." Ranboo said. Dream nods and texts Puffy.

You whispered to Puffy: hey mom! I know this is sudden but I want to know if me, Tubbo, Ranboo, Tommy, Shroud, and Michael could stay at you're house. I completely understand if that is to much to ask.

Puffy whispers to you: Of course you can stay. What happened to you guys?

You whisper to Puffy: we'll explain when we get there. Thank you so much. I will try to get us a house set up.

Puffy whispers to you: no problem! I will see you soon. Also Foolish might visit.

Dream puts down his communicator and says "Mom says we can stay at her house." Tommy smiles "when are we going to leave?" "Tomorrow. Right now we need to pack and gather materials." Dream responds. Everyone minus the children nod in agreement and stand up. "Dream, can you watch the children?" Ranboo asks. Dream nods and sits next to Shroud. Shroud immediately climbs into Dreams lap and Michael rests his head on Dreams arm. "We'll be back as soon as we can." Tommy says. Dream nods and adjusts the children so they are in a more comfortable position. Tommy smiles and they all leave the cave. They all stick together in case of danger. They go around hunting, chopping trees, and gathering ores. Once they decide that they have enough they start to head back. They had been out for most of the day and the sun was starting to set. They all rush to get back to the cave unaware that they were being followed.

The next day they all woke up. They gathered all their things and start on their way to the SMP. They were stopped short when they run into Niki and Jack. "Hello Niki, Jack! How are you two?" Tubbo asks cheerfully. Dream is the only one who notices Tommy's response to Niki and Jack. Dream knows why this happens so he opens his arms and Tommy immediately hugs him, burying his head in his fathers chest. Dream wraps his arms around Tommy in a protective manner. Niki and Jack both catch sight of Tommy and they immediately glare at him and Dream. Dream glares back while holding Tommy. "When are we going to continue our project?" Jack asks not taking his eyes off Tommy. Dream knows why they want the nukes. They had tried to kill Tommy before and they failed. They wanted to murder his son! Tommy could tell that they wanted to murder him, and he was ok with that. Only Dream knew about his tendency's. He knew if Tubbo or Ranboo found out about what Niki and Jack did they would be pissed. To be fair they would be upset if they found out about Tommy's habits as well. "You didn't tell them?" Dream whispers to Tommy. Tommy just shakes his head. "I don't want them to worry about me." Tommy says simply. "Toms you three are platonically engaged. You should tell them." Dream says softly. "I know. I feel bad though. I don't want them to be mad at Niki and Jack. I deserve it anyhow." Tommy whispers. "Toms you don't fucking deserve this. People should not be attempting to murder you. You don't deserve this at all. Tubbo and Ranboo should be mad at Niki and Jack." Dream says quietly "I understand if you don't want to tell them, however they need to know." Dream says. Tommy sighs "I know but I'm worried. Will you do it with me?" Tommy asks. "Of course I will sweetheart. I love you Toms I hope you know that." Dream says. Jack and Niki finish talking to Tubbo. They walk past them and glare at Tommy. Dream glares back. He had heard someone outside that night and now he had a suspicion as to who it was.

Tubbo eventually has to pick up Michael and Tommy picks up Shroud, or at least he tries. He was very weak from the stress and fear. He also hadn't been eating well and he had been cutting again. His arms hurt so he couldn't pick up Shroud. Ranboo picks up Shroud for him and everyone looks at Tommy with concern.

They make it to Puffy's house as night fell. They had gotten attacked and almost died. Luckily Dream was there and protected them. Dream knocked on the door and they all waited. Tommy had been getting weaker the more they walked. Tommy could barely stand and he looked like he was about to pass out. They were frantic to get Tommy inside before he passed out. Puffy's opened the door and gasped when she sees Tommy. "Come in! Come in!" They all rush inside and Tommy almost falls to the floor. "What happened?! He needs to get to bed right now!" Puffy exclaimed. Dream picks up Tommy and carry's him up the stairs. He puts Tommy on the bed and Puffy immediately starts taking care of him. "What happened? You haven't been coming to his therapy appointments and I was getting worried." Puffy says. "Wilbur and Phil were both chasing Tommy and we had to hide out in the woods." Dream explains. "Why does he seem like he's going to pass out?" Puffy asks. "We don't know!" Tubbo exclaims. "I have an idea but I need to ask Tubbo and Ranboo to leave. Tommy hasn't told you this yet so I don't want to do anything outside of his comfort zone." Dream asks. "Why can you talk to Puffy about this?" Tubbo asks. "Puffy is Tommy's therapist. She's been told so she would understand where I'm coming from." Dream explains. Tubbo and Ranboo nod and they both leave the room and go downstairs. "We ran into Niki and Jack today in the woods. I think they did something." Dream explains. Puffy nods "Why do you think that. I know they've attempted to murder Tommy before but did they do anything." Dream racks his brain. "When we ran into them they talked to Tubbo and Ranboo...Tommy started panicking and I hugged him to calm him down. They kept on glaring at Tommy and whispering to each other. They then handed Tubbo something and whispered something to him." Dream recalled. "Did anything else happen that could have been connected?" Puffy asks checking Tommy for any injuries. "I see he's started cutting again. He's also not eating as much as he should be." She notes. Dream nods "I've been trying to help him but I think seeing Wilbur kind of forced him back into some of his old habits." Dream says. He continues thinking "Ranboo gave Tomm some flowers he picked but I don't think that was connected...Tommy did fall into a river so he might have just been worn out from that. Maybe he's sick?" Dream says questioningly. Dream scans Tommy and his eyes fall on a bracelet that Tubbo had given him in the woods. Tubbo had looked confused but happy when he offered it to Tommy like he didn't know why he had to give this bracelet to him but he was happy to do so. Dreams eyes widen and he yanks off the bracelet. "Puffy Niki gave Tubbo this bracelet to give to Tommy. It wasn't a gift it was meant to kill him." Dream says. Puffy looks up at him suspiciously "how do you know that?" Puffy asks. "Tubbo gave this to Tommy and he looked really confused. I also saw a part of the gift from Niki and it matched this. Tubbo also looked confused when he got the gift and I heard Jack says 'give it to Tommy.'" Dream says. Puffy was about to say something when Tommy shifts in the bed. Dream and Puffy both look at him. Tommy sits up slowly and looks around. "What the fuck happened?" Tommy asks. "Niki and Jack gave you this bracelet to poison you and kill you I think. I have to examine it to make sure that's the case though." Dream explains. Tommy nods "I honestly suspected that." Tommy says. Tommy tried to sit up only for Dream to push him back down. "You need to rest Toms. We'll wake you up when in the morning." Dream says. Tommy honestly felt better than he had with the bracelet, however he easily drifts off to sleep after a long day. Dream and Puffy both look at Tommy worriedly. They hoped they could help him get better but only time will tell...

Hello humans! I really hope you like this chapter. I worked really hard on it because I feel bad for not posting. Happy Halloween if you celebrate Halloween. Anytime Dream or Tommy says "I love you." To each other it is a father son thing. No shipping Tommy and Dream! That is disgusting. I have a dance on Friday so I'll probably update earlier tran usual because it's a half day. I also might not update Wednesday because I'm finishing my costume. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water! I love you all<3.

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