Chapter 9

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Tw:attempted murder, intrusive thoughts, death threats, nukes, and swearing

Third person POV

Dream had examined the bracelet and found that it was indeed poisoned. When Tubbo and Ranboo found out they were furious and confused. "Why would Niki and Jack do that? Tommy hasn't done anything to hurt them." Tubbo asks. "They've never shown signs of violence or anything." Ranboo agreed. Dream looked at them. Even with his mask on they could tell he was confused. "Why are you confused Dream? Did something happen between them?" Tubbo asks looking at Dream. "Did Toms not tell you?" Dream asks. "Did Tommy not tell us what?" Ranboo asks. Both Ranboo and Tubbo are staring intently at Dream. They need to know what happened so they would know if they needed to ki- I mean calmly talk to them. "Niki and Jack tried to murder Tommy. They used Tubbo's nukes and blew up his house. Tommy survived but he has multiple scars that they inflicted. He's missing a leg and his wings are permanently damaged. He can't fly anymore." Dream says. Ranboo and Tubbo look at each other then back to Dream. "Why did they try to kill him?" They both ask. "I'm not 100% sure. You would have to ask them. My theory is that they were looking at the chaotic child and not the stuff that he went through or the reasons he did the things that he did. Like when he burnt down George's house. That was a complete accident. He had given George a gift and something went wrong with the oven. It wasn't even his fault." Dream explained. "Why didn't he tell us? We could have helped!" Tubbo says. "He was worried about burdening you with his problems. He doesn't believe he deserves help so he won't tell you a lot of things. He also didn't want to ruin you're relationship with them." Dream explains. Tubbo sighs and says "we have to talk to him. We will also talk to Niki and Jack about why they tried to kill him." Tubbo says. They thanked Dream and walked to Tommy's room.

Tommy was just chilling in his room sewing a shirt for Michael because he had made Shroud a shirt so he wanted to make Michael a shirt. He also just wanted an excuse to sew something. Tubbo and Ranboo walked into the room. "Do you need anything?" Tommy asks not looking up. "Dream told us about the Niki and Jack situation." Tubbo says. Tommy froze and started internally panicking. "It's nothing. You shouldn't worry about that. You can hang out with them and all that. You don't have to worry about me." Tommy exclaims. He could feel their eyes staring at him in concern. "Toms we know it's not ok. You don't have to lie to us. We care about you and want you to be safe." Ranboo says. Tommy looks at them and the next words to exit his mouth made Tubbo start to cry. "But why? Why do you care about me? I'm just a worthless nobody who hurts and annoys everyone. I don't deserve your care." Tommy says. He tries to turn back to the sewing machine but Tubbo stops him. He can see tears in Tubbo's eyes and he can see the sadness in Ranboo's eyes. "If you ever say anything like that about yourself ever again I will trap you in a cuddle pile. You matter so much. You're so talented. You are not annoying. You don't hurt people by choice. You deserve everyone's care." Tubbo says. "Niki, Jack, Wilbur, and Phil disagree with that statement." Tommy says before turning back to the sewing machine and continuing his sewing. Tubbo and Ranboo look at each other, they both have the same question... How much had these people hurt their platonic fiancé.

Tubbo was scheduled to work with Niki and Jack on his nukes today. He told Ranboo that he was planning on asking them why they tried to murder Tommy. "Good luck Bo. Don't die." Is all Ranboo said. Tubbo left with a wave and he walked to their work place. "Hey guys! Let's get started!" Tubbo yells. They work for several hours. Eventually they take a break. "I was wondering why you both tried to kill Tommy?" Tubbo says nonchalantly. Niki and Jack both freeze. "What are you talking about Tubbo? We would never kill Tommy." Niki laughs nervously. Tubbo turns his glare to them. Jack and Niki both flinch. Everyone knew that, despite his short height, Tubbo is terrifying. They do NOT want to be the ones receiving that anger. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now Answer. The. Dammed. Question!" Tubbo says in a stern voice. Niki and Jack both look terrified. "Fine! Fine! We tried to kill him because he is an annoying brat. He doesn't do anything helpful and he always talks about himself. He's awful and we hate him." Jack says. Tubbo glares at them and they could tell that answers had not soothed him at all. "I swear to the fucking gods if you talk about Tommy like that again I will murder you in the most violent way possible. They won't find you're dammed bodies. Tommy is not an annoying brat. He talks about himself constantly to cover up his insecurities. He is not awful and you have lost your privilege to work with me. You are not allowed to get any of my nukes. If you so much as look at my family again I will rip you to shreds." Tubbo threatens. Jack and Niki both stare at him in terror. "Leave before I murder both of you." Tubbo says. Niki and Jack both fled. Running as fast as they possibly could. Tubbo smiles in satisfaction and walks home.

Hello humans! How are you? I love you all! Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water<3

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