Chapter 2

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Hello! I am so sorry for not posting.

Tw:swearing, panic attack, mentions of abuse, and mentions of manipulation

Third person POV

Tommy woke up to a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Tommy stayed in bed for a few minutes longer then got up. He got changed and grabbed his phone. Tommy hears his door creak open and he sees Shroud standing in the doorway. Shroud walks over to Tommy and hugs him, clearly still sleepy. Tommy hugged Shroud back and picked him up. He carried Shroud to the kitchen and then went over to Dream. "Hey dad. What are you making?" Tommy asks. "I'm making French toast, bacon, and eggs. If you want to help you can go and get the apples out of the freezer and make apple juice. I'll be there to help in a minute." Dream says with a smile. Tommy nods and grabs the apples from the freezer. "Is there a reason as to why we are making such a big breakfast or no?" Tommy asks. Dream looks at him. "Do you really not remember? Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity are coming over." Dream says. Tommy freezes for a second and says "oh yeah...I forgot." Tommy says. Dream wheezes and Tommy turns red (from embarrassment obviously. I know most people don't need the clarification but some do.) "Shut up dad." Tommy mutters as he goes back to making apple juice. "I'm sorry Toms. I didn't mean to offend you." Dream says turning off the stove and giving Tommy a hug. Tommy hugs back "it's fine."Tommy says. They both start making juice. Dream was making orange juice and Tommy continued making apple juice.

They were watching a show while waiting for Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl. A knock came at the door and Tommy, Dream, and Shroud made their way to the door. Dream opened the door to the fiancés all on the other side. Dream stepped away from the door and Sapnap immediately hugged him. Karl on the other hand went to Tommy and hugged him, "hey uncle Karl! How are you?" Tommy asks. "I'm fine. How are you Tommy? Oh! I also brought you a present." Karl says with a smile. "I'm good now that you guys are here!" Tommy says. Karl hand Tommy a little bag as Quackity walks over to Karl and Tommy. "Hey Toms! how are you kiddo!" Quackity asks hugging Tommy. "First of all bitch, I'm not a kid! I'm eighteen fucking years old. Second of all, I'm great." Tommy says. Quackity rolls his eyes but ruffles Tommy's hair and smiles. Sapnap and Dream walked over to the other people and Sapnap hugs Tommy. "Hey Toms! Long time no see!" Sapnap says. Tommy nods and smiles. They all sit down at the table and start eating.

The day had gone by rather quickly, as they were having lots of fun! So they all retreated to their rooms. The fiancés stayed in the guest room and Tommy fell asleep happy and calm. Tommy always felt safe around Dream but with Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl all being in the house as well he felt very safe. He fell asleep with a smile on his face and he didn't have any nightmares that night. Tommy was the first one awake and so he decided to sit in his room and play on his phone. There was a knock at the door and Tommy looks up confused. He didn't think anyone was supposed to be visiting besides the three fiancés. He stood up and went the door. Tommy peaked through the peep hole and he was glad he did. Outside was Wilbur and Philza. Tommy immediately pinched himself to make sure he wasn't having a nightmare. He was more horrified to find out that he wasn't dreaming. He immediately ran to Dreams room and woke him up. "Tommy what do you want it's ear-Tommy! What's wrong? What happened?" Dream asked after seeing Tommy's tear streaked face. "W-Wil-Wilbur a-and Philza a-are ou-outsi-outside the door." Tommy sobs basically having a panic attack. Dream immediately ran to get the fiancés. Sapnap and Quackity ran to see what they wanted while Dream and Karl ran to help Tommy. Dream held Tommy and Karl instructed Tommy's breathing. They could hear yelling from Sapnap, Quackity, Wilbur, and Phil. Tommy eventually calmed down and Shroud ran into the room crying. At first all three just assumed that the yelling had scared Shroud, but he quickly after Shroud ran into the room Wilbur and Phil both ran in with and angry look followed by Quackity and Sapnap. Tommy pulled Shroud closer to his chest and glares at the two. They both looked at Tommy like they had found gold. "Tommy! We found you! We missed you! Come back please." Wilbur says. Tommy glares at them and says "bitch you just chased my fucking child down the hallway, crying, and you expect me to come with you. Why do you even want me back? To use me as a punching bag? To manipulate and make fun of? I've left that life behind and I will never go back." Tommy says firmly. Suddenly purple particles filled the room and Ranboo appeared right in front of Tommy. Ranboo grabs Tommy and Shroud then teleports away. Everyone else stares in shock. Dream finally broke out of it and sighed. "I guess we need to find Tommy..."

Hello human! I hope you enjoyed. I'm so sorry for not posting. I was out camping and we weren't allowed to have our phones. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water<3

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