Chapter Five

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Chloe's POV

I wake up to a ringing alarm and a pounding head. While waking up I think about all of the events yesterday. My awful day at work but the amazing night I had with my girls. Aris. His intoxicating manly scent- no. I am not thinking about him. This is ridiculous. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for a few minutes before deciding to get up and get ready.

My phone continues to go off so I angrily grab my phone to turn off these stupid alarms. Only when I look at the screen it's the same number from last night. Aris

Aris: Good morning Angel

I don't know how or why this man has such an effect on me. To avoid making small talk, which I am awful at, I decided to ignore the text.

I get out of bed and decide to get ready for work. First, I go to the kitchen and down some pain meds for my head and then go to the bathroom to take a shower.

I get out and brush my teeth and put on my work clothes and find my work shoes I kick off in my apartment every night.

I'm finally ready to leave and head to work so I put on my coat and start the walk to work which is only 5 blocks so it's not bad.

I arrive at work and I'm greeted by my favorite coworkers and they're both exclaiming about how we're getting a new boss.

Kimberly exclaims "he's supposedly super hot and really fit."

"Well I heard that he's a rich old fat man that goes around buying all the business he can." Sarah states.

"I am rich but I'm fat or old although that's what most people assume when they see the amount of money I have" Aris smirks proudly.

"Oh no"

"What?" Sarah questions

"Do you know him?" Kimberly asks

"Nope I'm fine" I state and walk into the dressing room and sitting on one of the benches.

I hear Aris continue to talk to all the girls outside so I decide to stay in here once I got done freaking out over the situation. There is no situation. We didn't kiss. We didn't fuck. But I did grind my a- nope. No situation.

I hear the door open and I turn around to see Aris entering the dressing room. I look at him with wide eyes questioning him "What are you doing?"

For every step he takes forward, I take one backward. Eventually, he corners me against a wall and oxygen struggles to find its way to my lungs. All I can smell is his intoxicating scent and it makes me light-headed and I can no longer think straight. I think he is trying to ask me something but my attention is completely focused on the way his tight shirt shows off his large muscles.

He grabs my chin and forces me to meet his gaze. He asks again, "Why are you ignoring my texts angel?"

I try to form a sentence to defend myself but it's so hard to focus when he is this close to me.
His smirk widens and he continues to look at me, awaiting my answer.

My brain starts functioning again and I say, "I suck at small talk."

He chuckles and replies, "Okay... all you had to do was say good morning back."

"Yeah" my eyes drift back down to the top of his chest that is slightly poking out the top of his dress shirt.

"My eyes are up here love." He teases.

"Your eyes make it hard to think."


He finally backed away a little so my brain was able to start functioning better.

"Wait... why'd you come in here? What if there were girls changing?" I questioned him.

He moved closer again and cornered me against a wall, he leaned towards me but moved towards my ear and whispered "and I was disappointed when I saw your clothes still covering your body from me."

The air became thicker and I could no longer breathe correctly. But when he moved his head further down and started kissing my neck a small moan left my mouth and I pushed him away. He didn't move away from me but he moved his head so that his eyes were staring into mine.

He tilted his head in a puppy like way and asked "is there something wrong, angel?"

Despite me pushing him away his husky and deep voice drug me back into his trance and I shook my head no.

He smirked and removed his body from mine slowly backing away towards the door he entered through and said "I want to see you in my office in 5 minutes."

After he left I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and I sat back down on the bench.

What the hell just happened.

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