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I awoke from a sleepless night. When the first rays of sunlight shone through the window I decided to get up. My body protested and a brief dizziness seized me. 
All night the blaster burn on my arm had been throbbing painfully. Unfortunately I hadn't had a chance to take care of it yet. Perhaps I would be able to ask Shmi if she had some bandages. The temporary bandage I had put on yesterday after our hasty escape was already soaked with blood and wound water. 
On quiet soles I left the small room that had been assigned to me and peered into the somewhat larger living room. 
Sure enough I spotted Shmi standing at the small kitchen counter. She turned to me briefly in surprise as I approached. 
"Ahsoka, you're already awake", she covered me with such a warm smile that I immediately felt at ease. 
"Yes, I couldn't sleep anymore...", I explained. Something in my attitude had to have betrayed me. Or maybe it was just her maternal instinct because her gaze immediately darted to my injured arm. 
"You're hurt! I should take a look at that", she declared interrupting her preparations for breakfast to wash her hands. From a basket she picked out bandages and from another drawer she retrieved a small jar. Before I could even protest she had already pushed me to the dining table and began to dress my arm. 
Not that I dared protest....
I would have preferred to do it myself. After all as a Jedi I was not used to being taken care of. We were either on our own or got the necessary medical care from medi droids and trained healers. 
That Shmi and her family welcomed me so warmly made something inside me break. I couldn't tell what it was but it tightened my chest and awakened in me the barely suppressed urge to flee. 
Shmi had just finished tending to my arm when a door in the hallway opened and Anakin strolled out. For a moment he stopped and our eyes met. 
Perhaps he had sensed it or perhaps he had correctly interpreted my hurried look....
The next moment he rushed toward me grabbed my hand, and yanked me up from the chair. "Morning, Mum", he called to his mother who was disposing of the old bandages.
"We're late! Have to go to town! Don't wait for us with the food!", with the words he already pulled me outside. 
Somewhat taken off guard by his rescue I followed him as he retrieved a speeder from a hut a bit off to the side. 
Had he been able to sense that I needed to get out of there? 
I really needed to test his midi-chlorians. If he had been able to sense it even though I was careful not to show my feelings in the force he must actually be pretty strong....
And that meant despite everything he could be dangerous. 
Still I was very glad to gain some distance from his family. Not because I didn't like them... On the contrary they showed me with every gesture what I would never have.

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