force sensitive smuggler

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I could smell trouble from a distance thanks to my trained perception. In this case it was no different. Almost half an hour ago I had entered this bar and sensed something strange. It was comparable to the vibrations in the Force when Master Yoda was around. I could quickly identify a man as the originator of these vibrations. He seemed to come from the lower levels of Coruscant like pretty much everyone here. But even in this dim light I recognized his tanned skin. His clothes were plain but practical which is why I would have pegged him as a bounty hunter. If it weren't for that arrogance and his suicidal self-confidence. He behaved far too recklessly towards one of the best known and most dangerous slave traders in the Outer Rim. I was able to pick up a few scraps of their conversation. It was about contraband that was to be brought from here to the Outer Rim. This confirmed to me that the young man over there must be a smuggler. Only I couldn't be sure if he was aware that he was force sensitive and how well he could handle it. 
Under no circumstances was I to reveal myself. If the ring of slavers here on Coruscant learned that the Jedi had become aware of them they would disappear on the spot. Still I should keep an eye on the man. If he was not a Jedi he could possibly be dangerous to us. He could be working as a spy for the Separatists or even the Sith. 

I was so busy thinking for a moment that I hadn't noticed how the conversation behind me had escalated. 
"Even if you offer me a million credits. I'm not going to do this job!" the smuggler bickered and with these words he wanted to leave the bar. However, unlike me, he seemed not to have seen that two of the slave trader's men were also positioned there.
"You will regret not accepting this generous offer, Skywalker!" the slave trader called after him. 
The name Skywalker seemed to evoke a vague memory in me. I had heard of him before...
"Remove him," the slaver ordered his two bouncers and sat down again. 
Skywalker only now seemed to realize his predicament with a grim expression. 
Within a split second, I made a decision: This Skywalker probably now had information on the slave ring and was an important source. Even if he was working for the Sith, there was no way he could know I was a Jedi and he would never know.
Skywalker looked around for a way to escape, but by then I had already stepped in front of him. The two bouncers were determined to push me out of the way to get to him. 
With one swift hand, I knocked out the one closest to me by jabbing two fingers into the small indentation between his ear and chin. Immediately he sank to the ground. Without giving the second one a chance to think about the fact that such a petite woman like me had brought a burly man to the ground in the blink of an eye, I went for him. I grabbed his hand that was trying to reach for me and twisted it enough to force him to bend to my lead. With a well-aimed kick to the knee, a sickening crack sounded. The man in my grip screamed in pain and went down. While all the bystanders went into a kind of shock stupor, I whirled around and grabbed Skywalker by the arm. I yanked him around and headed for the back exit. He still seemed too shocked to really follow me, so I smacked him to bring him out of his stupor. His cheek immediately turned red in the shape of my handprint. "Go ahead. Or were you planning on dying?!", I didn't wait for an answer, but pushed him out the door. 
Behind us, the slave trader was yelling some orders to chase us.

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