Ch 39

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I was in my personal study space. Boredom can easily be seen on my face. Lazily, I was only skimmed through the pages of the history book I was supposed to study but

I think I've gotten a bit lazy lately...

"Ahh, I don't want to do this." I groaned.


And Lucia appeared right beside me, leaning on the desk.

It doesn't shock me now anymore.

After all, we known each other for so long that we both knew our certain habits... and one of them is Lucia being her appearing out of nowhere at the most random places around the palace.

But there is one thing bothering me from a long time.

"Hey, What's you are doing these days?"

"Me? Nothing."

She shrugged.

"Ok. Then are you avoiding me?"

I said as she looked at me with 'shoot!' expression.


Lie. I still remember how she was talking to lily smilingly but when I came to them she said she had some work and then vanish.

And this doesn't happened once but a whole week.

" Anyway you didn't answered. Are you bored?"

Changing topic. I will let you go for now.

"Yeah, I am bored. There's nothing much to do..."

"Then go out," Lucia said snorting. "Don't just hang around here."

"You think it's that easy for me to get out of the palace?"

"It is super easy, actually."

But before I could ask what she meant by that, she had already snapped her fingers and in the blink of an eye.

We were both standing somewhere.

"Welcome! Try this, it is a flavour like no other!"

"Hey! Watch where you put that!" a food vendor cried out.

"Pumpkin! Fresh pumpkin on sale today only!"

Huh, is it a town?

There are so many people.

I was honestly surprised to see so many people walking around. There was a group of young children playing a game of tag.


"Why didn't you ever tell me we could leave the palace like this?!"

"Come on. You always knew I could teleport,"

"What about that time you went over to Mr Whitey's house?"

Ah, oh yeah!

"Let's go then!" I said as I was about walk forward but Lucia held my wrist and made me unbalance a little.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted.

"Fool. Are you going in these clothes?"

"What's wrong with-"

I stopped in speech when I saw my luxurious and expensive clothes and her wizard uniform. If we go out in these clothes then surely we will stand out.


Lucia snapped her fingers and there clothes get changed in normal clothes.


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