A Different Amy

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"Ah, what lovely weather!" Sonic sang cheerfully as he was running around Mobius. 

Suddenly, Sonic noticed Amy sitting on a bench, staring blankly into a piece of paper she held in her hands. 

"Oh no, I hope she doesn't chase me again," Sonic muttered before attempting to creep away from Amy.

"Hey Sonic," Amy said in a solemn tone, her Sonic radar being put into place once again.

"Crap," Sonic mumbled, "Hey Ames, sorry I gotta go now."

"That's alright, you don't have to pretend that you have something going on, I know you don't like my chasing so I won't chase you today. I bet you're glad," Amy replied, her voice seemingly going to break.

"Wait what?" Sonic asked, shocked at Amy's reply.


Sonic's POV

Is there something wrong with my hearing? Am I talking to the real Amy? No, there's no way she just said that she won't chase me today. Maybe I heard wrong, maybe she didn't say that.


"Sorry, you just said that you weren't going to chase me today. Are you okay?" Sonic asked, concerned.

"What's it to you? So just because I don't feel like chasing you today, that means that there's something wrong with me?" Amy snapped back, her voice getting louder with every word, until she was practically shouting at Sonic.

"W-what?" Sonic was dumbfounded by Amy's reaction.

"Geez, men," Amy mumbled in an annoyed tone and rolled her eyes, before walking away from Sonic.


Sonic's POV

W-what just happened? Did Amy Rose, the one hedgehog who has loved me for so long, just s-snap at me? The love of her life? Woah, this is... unexpected...

But, she just shouted at me? Off all people, she shouted at me! She lost patience while talking to me! 

Something's up, I can feel it. I hope she's alright tomorrow.

Maybe I'll check up on her later.


Amy's POV

Stupid wretched Sonic, thinking that I'm crazy when I don't want to chase him. HOW DOES IT CONCERN HIM IF I'M NOT IN THE RIGHT MOOD TO GO AFTER HIM? 

Him and his stupid ego, ughh. 

All I was doing was looking at an old photo of us and got a teensy bit emotional, so what? An old photo just ruined my mood to chase you, that's all! I'm perfectly fine!


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