Chapter Nineteen

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The First week in Italy was filled with sightseeing and a lot of shopping at Italian boutiques. Despite wanting to, Misha and I never talked the night after he confessed that he was choosing me. And much to his annoyance every moment Jasper wasn't doing something for the wedding, he was doing something with the kids and me. Whether it was sightseeing or eating a meal with us away from everyone else—I couldn't tell if Jasper was doing it because he wanted to get close to us, or he just wanted to get under Misha's skin, regardless of his presence was better than thinking about Sadie and Misha.

Now it was the weekend before the wedding, and we were taking a weekend trip to the beach. It was a 5-hour trip to what Michael and Helena insisted was the nicest beach near Florence, and we'd stay in a hotel for the night. There would be plenty of beach activities as well as shopping. I shared a travel van with the kids, Matilda, Casper, and Mac—Misha forced Jasper into his truck with him. Matilda squeezed into the back seat with Orson and Embry, Embry sleeping for most of the ride, and Orson playing with his handheld.

"You've been awfully blue lately," Casper whispers to me, poking my stomach, and turning my attention away from my cell phone, where I was attempting to catch up on work for the magazine. Thankfully since I mainly work from home, going on vacation wasn't much trouble for them, minus the meetings I had to Tele-Call into, everything was fine.

"Have I," I question, looking over at him, and he gives me a look. I turn back to my phone, continuing to scroll, and Casper pokes my side again. I turn to him again, and this time he has his eyebrows scrunched together as if he was trying to read my mind. I lean forward towards him. "Not here—" I whisper, before falling back in my seat. If I was going to tell him anything, It wasn't going to be in front of the kids, and it wasn't going to be in front of Matilda. Casper falls back into his seat, resting his head on Mac, who has been asleep this entire ride, despite the music Matilda chose to play, and the constant complaints from his boyfriend, and the children.

We'd be arriving at the hotel soon, and soon as we arrived, I was going to get the kids dressed and go out to the beach, so we could have as much time in the sun as we possibly could. I already planned on buying snacks & drinks from whatever corner store market they had, and everyone else could do whatever they wanted.

Our truck is the last to arrive at the hotel, as soon as it stops workers come to the trunk and pull out all of our belongings. I pull Embry from her sleep, holding her still-sleeping body, she'd be well rested for the beach. Orson trails behind me, as we all walk into the lobby together. Michael and Helena still waiting in the lobby.

"Everyone else went up to their rooms—Here are your room assignments," Michael says, passing out key cards. "We're all on the 10th floor," he tells us.

"That's grand," Mac yawns, stretching out.

"Did you sleep the entire ride?" Helena questions.

"Like a log," Casper says begrudgingly.

"This man can sleep through an earthquake," Michael says, with a laugh patting his friend on the back. "I think every one is getting ready to go out to the beach, the day is still young," Michael says.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," I state, before guiding Orson to the elevators.


"Love the matching swimsuit, it's really giving hot nanny," Jasper comments, as Embry Orson, Matilda, and I arrive back down in the lobby. It was my idea to have a matching beach fit, I thought it would be nice. I also bought one for Misha and Even Sadie but I doubt either would wear theirs.

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