Chapter Three

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The town of Wood Springs was something out of a vacation ad. All the lawns were bright green and freshly cut, and all the cars were expensive. The moms running on the sidewalk were dressed head to toe in nice clothing while pushing buggies with spoiled children. My new job was deep in the town close to the outskirts, when we arrived it was nothing but big gates. A call box buzzes to life and Casper rolls down his window.

"Name," someone questions.

"Just dropping off the new nanny—Soncerae Daniels," Casper shouts through the speaker. It takes a moment but then the gates slowly open, Casper drives up the large driveway, it was surrounded by trees that curved over the driveway shielding us from the sun. As we made it up the small hill the huge house comes into view—It was a downtown abbey big, something that seems unusually close to the city. "Blimey, these people must be loaded!" Casper whispers.

"All of this is there," I say, looking around the surrounding areas. I saw nothing but trees and open land. "Wow—To be this rich," I whisper out, we make it to the front of the house, and a woman dressed in a black and brown apron dress that dropped below her knees. Her hair was combed back out of her face, and she stood with her hands behind her back.

"Creepy," is all Casper says, but I ignore him. As soon as he stops the car, I jump out greeting the woman.

"Hello!" I smile. "Soncerae Daniels," I wave.

"Good morning Ms. Daniels, pleasure to meet you," the woman says, bouncing down the steps. "My name is Jackie Searcy, and I am the head housekeeper of the house, all the employees go through me to make sure this house runs smoothly. Your friend can just leave your bags out on the driveway, someone will take your things to your room, please come inside to meet the rest of the staff, and get the rest of your work assignment in order," she tells me, and I nod. Casper is already pulling my bags from his trunk; I didn't have a lot of things, so I didn't have to worry. He let me borrow some of his expensive luggage, so I didn't have to drag around all my things in a big duffle.

"She said you can just leave my things on the driveway, and someone will get it—Thank you so much Cas," I say.

"Call me as soon as you're settled alright?" Casper tells me pulling me into a hug. "And if anything feels off or weird, I'll drive here in a heartbeat alright?"

"Okay, Okay! I'll be fine!" I smile. "Thanks again, I love you," I say, pecking him on the cheek before pulling away. I turn and make my way inside following Jackie; she waits at the door with a patient smile letting me into the house. the inside was more massive than the outside, everything open and spacious. The entry walkway had two staircases that curved on either side leading upstairs, and the upper level disappeared on two different sides.

"Follow me, Ms. Daniels," Jackie says, waving me through the foyer and deeper into the house.

"You can call me Rae," I state.

"Alright—Rae," Jackie smiles. We walk into the huge kitchen which looked like it belonged in a 5-star restaurant. A group of people stood waiting patiently, some chewing on their nails, others on their phones. "Everyone," Jackie claps her hands together, pulling everyone's attention towards me. "Good morning, everyone, I'd like to introduce a new worker here at the manor—Soncerae Daniels, she's going to be the new live-in nanny," Jackie says, gesturing toward me. I give the group a sheepish wave.

"Hello!" I squeak out.

"Soncerae, these are the workers of the house—These are the people that make everything run smoothly. This Pascal: the head chef of the house and his sous chefs Dylan and Aven," Jackie starts, gesturing to the three standing near the stores wearing all white. Pascal bows like he's on stage while his two helpers wave at me with a smile. "This is Bruno; the personal butler of the boss man, and these are the maids of the house Kimberly, Anastasia, and Darby—And lastly, but surely not least this is the Gardener Eris," Jackie says, going around the room quickly.

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