Chapter Sixteen

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Embry, Orson, and I all had to get passports and much to Sadie's displeasure, I was attending the wedding with them. I knew she wasn't happy about it, because whenever she saw me in the house, she'd give me a scowl. I wonder how she'd feel if she knew that Misha spent nearly every night in my room with me. I still haven't mentioned my phobia of flying and of open water, but I felt I could contain it enough that it wouldn't be a problem.

"So, you'd like the be prescribed Diazepam for an upcoming trip, is that correct?" Says Doctor Steven—My primary physician since I moved into the city.

"Yes, and anything that could help with anxiety—I've had a pretty intense fear of open water, and It's hard for me to get on boats, and I just need to be prepared," I say.

"Where exactly are you going?" she asks me.

"Italy—Florence, and possibly Venice for a wedding," I say.

"Ah, I see," she nods. "And this wedding is a necessity?" she questions.

"It's for my job—The children I nanny for are going, and their uh Father would rather I come along, then they get a babysitter for the trip," I tell her.

"That makes sense, well I can write you up a prescription for 50mmg of diazepam, and 40mmg of clonazepam," she tells me. "You can't have either of these with alcohol or refrain from taking more than one pill in a 24-hour time period alright?" she tells me. "And I want you to come back after this trip so we can speak more about the effects and your feelings," she tells me.

"Uhm—Okay," I say.

"Great, you can pick your prescription up at the nearest pharmacy, I'll write you a note and you can pick it up at the front desk, that sounds, okay?" she tells me, and I nod, pushing from my seat and leaving the office. I make my way to the waiting room, where I wait for a moment, and then the receptionist gives me a prescription note. When I leave the office, I walk back out of the garage where the car is parked and make my way back to the estate.

I get a call on my way—From Jackie, and I answer quickly. "Ello?" I question.

"Hey, where are you?" she questions.

"I had a doctor's appointment, I thought I left you a note," I say.

"Oh right—Sorry I thought that was Darby, and so when I saw her earlier, I was thoroughly confused, anyway, I was just told that Misha's parents are also attending the wedding," Jackie tells me.

"What?" I say.

"Yes! Apparently, they're close friends with Michael's family, so they'll be attending too, and now instead of a hotel you will be staying at a villa not far outside of Florence," Jackie tells me.

"Alright—Thanks for informing me, Jackie," I say, I end the call, immediately calling Misha.

"Hello?" Misha questions.

"Can you please stop giving Jackie notes to tell me, when you know you can just tell me yourself," I quip. "Jackie has a lot on her plate already," I say.

"I know, I know—It's Sadie, she wants to be sure that all the information is going through Jackie, so she tells Jackie herself, she was practically overjoyed when I told her my parents were coming to Italy as well," Misha sighs.

"About that—Do you think it's wise for us to be sharing a Villa with her, for the entire trip? 2 weeks with them? Orson barely lasted the few days they were here for that last trip, and I don't want him getting lost in Italy," I say.

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