Chapter Thirteen

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"Alright so I say we hop around a few parties, and then we head up club Frisco and Club 36—Because I know the bouncers, and then from there we'll be downtown and close to everything!" Casper says, sauntering into the kitchen with two more bottles from his freezer. His kitchen was nearly the size of the kitchen at the estate, which was shocking for a condo in the city.

"Sounds fun to me," I say, while fixing the blond wig I shoved on my head. It was slightly too tight, but it was the only one that worked with the outfit.

"Come on loosen up!" Casper says, setting down a glass. "Come on, it's one night those kids are going to be fine!" Casper nudges me.

"I know, I know—I trust their father," I sigh, leaning against the counter. "It's just—After what that bitch said to them, I don't want to leave them alone with her, I just can't wait until she's gone," I say.

"Yeah—" Casper says. "Listen, just do your job alright? Let Misha deal with his mother,"

"Yeah," I sigh.

"Now let's take a few shots before Mac gets here—He always tries to regulate what I drink; he doesn't like me getting too drunk," Casper says with a smile.

"Let's get the night started," I smile.

Mac arrives 3 shots in. He's dressed in a tight purple and yellow suit like the mayor of Townsville. He has a goofy white mustache on, and a monocle. "Hello guys," He smiles entering the kitchen.

"Hey babes! How was work or whatever you were doing," Casper says, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"It was fine, it was not so fun having to change into this before leaving but—I'll survive," Macintosh says, before pulling Casper into a kiss. When he pulls away, he turns to me with a soft smile. "Hi Soncerae, how are you?"

"Good Mac—How are you?" I question.

"I'm fine! It's good to see you, you're always working," he laughs.

"Don't mention it," I say with a smile. "I'm here now, we're going to have a lot of fun tonight—We should get ready to go to the campus, my sister is waiting," I tell him, and he nods.

"Take a shot first, or two—You've got to loosen up," Casper says, pulling Mac to the counter.

"Loosen up—I'm plenty loose," Mac says, but Casper hands over a cup, pouring something in the glass.

"Just a little something, something," Casper urges.

"Well not too much—Someone has to get you guys around," Mac says, downing the cup before setting the cup down. "Ready?"


First stop, A frat house near the campus. When we arrive, Mac parks down the road, and Casper pulls me out of the car. We have to walk down the crowded street of already drunk college students and find Matilda, and her girlfriend Josie, who is dressed like Blossom's male counterpart; Butch.

"Super adorable, oh my god!" Casper squeals. "You must be girlfriend,"

"Yes, I'm Josie," Josie smiles.

"Nice to meet you, Josie, I'm Casper and this is my boyfriend Mac," Casper smiles.

"Nice to meet you," Josie smiles. "The party is still gaining, want to take some shots?" Josie questions, pulling us inside the crowded smelly building. Mac holds Casper close to him, and I trail behind Matilda and Josie, we push through into the kitchen where people crowd around the counters and tables, taking shots, and making mixed drinks.

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