Chapter Five

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It's been 3 full weeks since I started at the Abernethy estate, and I can that I've seen Misha at least 4 separate times, all of which he's locked himself in the office and asked not to be bothered. I didn't fully mind, considering Orson wanted nothing to do with him, and dealing with Orson was easier when his father wasn't around. Since Orson has opened up to me and slowly getting comfortable with me, I've set a schedule that seems to work for both children.

In the morning we have breakfast together and depending on the weather we either help Eris in the garden—She tells us all the different plants, and we even help her pick from the fresh garden in the greenhouse, which Pascal uses in the kitchen. Or we have swimming lessons in the pool; the benefit of having an indoor/outdoor pool is obviously the fact that even on rainy days, the kids can have a fun day at the pool with no worries. After morning activities, we have lunch, and then I let the kids choose whatever they want to do, whether it's nap, play in their playrooms alone, or watch TV. Embry usually chooses a nap, and Orson usually chooses to play with the many video games that were given to him. After they've had some time to themselves, we have dinner together, and then I tuck Embry in so she can get rest, and Orson is allowed to play around for another hour or so before going to bed himself. He was responsible enough to go to bed on his own, and I rarely had to tell him when it was time to sleep.

Our schedule was like that consistent and easy. Sometimes it didn't even feel like a job, it felt like I was just taking care of my younger siblings, watching them until our parents returned; except these kids' parents were never around. It wasn't hard to feel bad for them, they lost their mother, and their father wants very little to do with them, I didn't want to push so I stopped asking about their feelings. It was going to take more than a few months for the resentment to fade; at least for Orson. Embry is too young to fully grasp everything that's going on. I was hopeful for at least her sake; Mish would start showing a little bit of interest; so, she doesn't grow up without her parents completely.

"Good morning, Rae, can I speak with you please," Jackie says. She waits for me in the hallway, I was headed to Embry's room to start her day, and Orson was already getting ready.

"Morning Jackie, what's up?" I say.

"Uhm, Mr. Frechette asks that you prepare the children for an excursion today," Jackie says.

"Excursion? Where?" I question.

"The cape, he's apparently meeting friends and would like the kids to attend," Jackie says.

"Uhm—I don't think that's going to work," I say.

"Well, all he said was—" she starts.

"Is he here?" I question, and she sighs.

"No, he said that you guys should be ready after breakfast, and he'll be sending a car," Jackie says.

"So, he won't even be picking us up? He's just meeting us there?" I say, and she nods.

"I'm sorry Rae, I know how difficult things like this can be," Jackie says, "Unfortunately, he's our boss—Until Orson turns 18, and legally takes ownership of the estate as written in Mr. Abernethy's will" Jackie spills out, before pulling her clipboard close to her chest. "Breakfast is ready by the way," she says, before turning on her hill and curtly walking down the hallway. I pull myself together returning to my room and getting dressed for a day at the beach. I braid my hair back into two pigtails and pull on a nice romper set that I could wear my swimsuit underneath. I then grab a travel bag from my closet and pack extra clothes for myself. I then go to Embry's room, and she's already awake sitting in her bed.

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