Chapter 1

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A girl stood in front of an endless crowd. Cheers ruptured her ears, and lights blinded her eyes.

Her heart thumped loudly, vigorously. Adrenaline ran through her body as if she had just completed a marathon. The girl's breath was heavy and humid, as sweat ran down her forehead.

She gazed upward, staring up at the stage lighting that shone down, illuminating her and the outfit she wore like a divine being. Some said she was thanking Arceus for helping her here, and others said she was remembering all the hardships she went through to reach this point.

But they were all wrong.

Her eyes looked dull, almost mechanical. The surroundings were so loud, bright, and cheerful, but she couldn't feel anything but gray.

A woman approached her with a fancy-looking box cradled in her arms. On a red, silky pillow laid a shimmering tiara. The girl could remember the days she dreamed of even seeing this tiara in person.

A sigh nearly escaped her soft, pink lips. Those days were long gone for her.

Emptiness. That was all she felt looking at it. Even though it was considered priceless, the girl merely saw an accessory.

The woman carefully picked up the tiara and rested it on top of her shoulder-length honey-blonde hair. It complimented her dress well, which was something she spent blood, sweat, and tears on.

A grand, proud voice spoke up, "Ladies and Gentleman, I now announce Serena as Kalos Queen!"

More cheers erupted across the stands, ringing in her ears. Millions of people were watching and celebrating the new 'Queen of Kalos'.

She smiled. A smile that looked like an angel descending from heaven onto earth, with perfect white teeth and azure eyes worth the world. She looked happy. But, not a bud of joy blossomed within her.

I wonder what he's doing right now.

That special boy from her memories, one that never left. His toothy grin shined in her mind, causing a veil of warmth to spread through the blonde.

He was probably out there battling, Gaining new friends, And getting stronger.

Five years was no small time frame, after all.

The main memory the girl had of him was one from when she was still 12. As she headed down an escalator, her buzzing heart made her turn around and rush back up.

She proceeded to say something, but the girl could no longer remember what was said. Her mind was in tunnel vision toward him, and him alone.

The next few seconds were so quick, yet slow. Her lips crashed into his, giving him a small peck. his glistening eyes, which had turned vibrant, were painted vividly in her mind.

Despite the burning emotions inside her chest, telling the girl to stay, she waved to him timidly and turned around. She vowed the next time they met, her dreams would have been achieved.

What dreams?

She was here- the stage she had dreamed of standing on long ago. That ecstasy the girl thought she'd feel was not there.

Dreams are called dreams because they can only happen within your mind. The second it was achieved, it was no longer a dream.

From the depths of her chest, the girl's heart ached. Where was the feeling of accomplishment? Where was the satisfaction? All those years spent dancing till her feet couldn't move were wasted on what? This?

I'm probably going to stop performing from now on, huh?

She felt there was nothing else for her to achieve. The view from the top looked straight down.

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