Chapter 17

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The first day of school wasn't exactly going as planned. Molly and Peter snuck up to the roof of the school at lunchtime.

"Can we just stay up here all day? It's so crazy down there," Peter said.

Molly had found a newspaper on the way up to the roof and was reading it, "Look this one's good, 'Some believed that Parker's ability includes the male spider's ability to hypnotize females. Which he used to seduce Roger's into his cult of followers.'"

"Stop reading that," Peter said.

"Yes my Spider Lord," Molly said.

The two of them leaned in to kiss each other when Ned came through the roof access door complaining about the craziness of everyone.

"I was thinking, when we all get into our school, MIT for us Harvard for you, Molly, We should all live together," Ned said.

"Absolutely," Molly said.

"Even if we don't get into our schools we could still match up at backup schools and all be together in Boston. I can Spider-Man there. There's crime in Boston right?" Peter asked.

"Of course," Molly said.

"Wicked crime," Ned said.

"Yeah, it will be like a fresh start. And we will all be together," Peter said.

"Fresh start," Molly said.


"My Harvard letter just arrived!" Molly said, waving it around in Bucky's face.

"I don't know why you're acting like you have to wonder if you got in. Tony Stark is one of your letters of recommendation and you have one of the highest scores on the LSATs that that test proctor had ever seen. They can't not let you in," Bucky joked.

"Well I want to pretend like that isn't the case," Molly said, "I'm going to be late for work, love you."

"Love you too."

Molly arrived at the cafe and MJ was already behind the counter. Molly washed her hands and got right to work beside her. It wasn't long before Ned and Peter came in holding up their MIT letters and Molly and MJ held up theirs.

"On three," Molly said.

They counted down and all opened their letters. The four of them had been denied to every other school, it was this school or nowhere.

"Did you get in?" Molly asked.

"No, you?" Peter responded.

"No," Molly said.

"In light of recent controversy we are unable to accept your application at this time," Ned read.

"That's what mine says too," Molly said.

"This is so unfair," Peter said, "I didn't do anything wrong. You guys definitely didn't do anything wrong."

"Expect disappointment and you will never get disappointed," MJ said.

"Jones, Rogers, get back to work!" the cafe owner yelled.

"Yeah," MJ said, and headed over to the counter.

"You know what," Molly said, tearing up her letter, "I wouldn't change a thing I did."

Peter and Ned left and Molly and MJ got started on taking down the Halloween decorations.

"Did you get in?" Molly asked.

"Yeah," MJ said.

"That's so amazing, MJ! I'm really happy for you."

"I'm not going if you guys won't be there."

"MJ," Molly said.

"Let's just drop it," MJ said.

The two of them continued to take down the decorations.


Molly burst through the door and Bucky jumped off the couch at the sound.

"What happened?" Bucky asked, noticing Molly's demeanor right away.

"I didn't get into Harvard," Molly said.

"How is that even possible?" Bucky asked.

"I am supposed to change the world if I don't go to Harvard and get my degree?"

"Mols, why don't you call them and find out why they denied you."

Molly nodded and got her phone out of her pocket and called the school.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't understand why you are doing this. ... All of the chargers were dropped against Spider-Man. ... I understand that not everyone feels that way but shouldn't what the law says overrule public opinion? ... Oh. ... Ok. ... Yes, goodbye now."

"What did they say," Bucky asked.

"They said that even though my application was amazing, they want to wait a year until this all of the Spider-Man stuff blows over to accept me," Molly's vision started to blur.

Bucky looked at her and tried to understand what was going on inside her head.

"So you take a gap year and apply again," Bucky said.

"No! I don't want to apply again," Molly said. She hit her fist on the table and it broke in half.

Bucky quickly got up and hugged her as she cried into his arms.

"I gap year could be really fun you know. Maybe you can take some online classes and be way ahead of the game. Plus you and I could hang out all of the time and go visit Sam," Bucky said, "This only has to be the end of the world if you let it be."

"Ok, you're right," Molly said.

"Of course I'm right. I am always right," Bucky said.

The two of them laughed and released each other from their hug. Molly looked at the broken table and blushed.

"Sorry about the table," Molly said.

"It's just a table," Bucky said. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok."


Moving On (Captain America Fanfiction) (Book 3 of I Found You Series)Where stories live. Discover now