Chapter One

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"Coming back from the blip was hard. Everything that I knew was gone in a flash. Thor was somewhere in space, Clint was with his family I assumed, Bruce wasn't the Bruce that I knew anymore, Tony was gone, Natasha was gone, no one knows where Wanda was, or where Nick Fury was. When I woke up no time had passed and to lose everyone you loved in a matter of hours was, I can't even describe it. Then there's my dad. We went back to return the stones and he stayed and I left. It was my choice, I didn't want to change my life more than it was already changing."

"And where is your father?"

"I don't know. It was easier to lose him for good than to know where he was and have to decide if I wanted to visit my dad that wasn't really my dad anymore."

"I see, has it been easier?"

"Well, I don't know how the alternative would feel so I guess so."

"You've talked a lot about what you lost. What about what you still have?"

"I have Peter, he's introduced me to a lot of his friends. They were all taken in the blip too and it's been nice to talk with people my own age about this stuff. I go see Pepper and Morgan sometimes. They're going through their own stuff with losing Tony so I try not to bother them much. Sam and I have texted back and forth, a casual check-in but Bucky's been trying to work on his stuff alone so I try not to bring up Sam that much. And Sam has his own life with his sisters and nephews so I try not to bother him either."

"And Bucky?"

"My dad left Sam with the shield and Bucky with me. He feels that he needs to work on things to be a good caregiver for me. I'm really proud of him for everything that he's doing and he seems to be getting a lot better but there are days that I can see his past weighing on him. He loves me a lot and I love him too, we work on our crap together and we make a good team. I'm glad that I have him with me. If I was alone I don't know what I would do."


"But, I don't know. Before the blip, all I wanted was for everything to stop. I wanted the normal life that everyone else got. A dad that would be there when I woke up each morning, we'd eat breakfast together and he'd take me to school on the way to work. When I came home from school he'd be there and we'd have dinner and watch a movie or play a game and then he'd kiss me goodnight and we'd do it all again the next day. Now with Bucky, I have something pretty close to that. I mean he goes out late and he's not always there when I wake up and go to bed but he makes the effort to have dinner with me and see me during the day. These last months have been what I wanted for so long but it happened so fast and without a lot of key people I thought would be there to do it with me."


I walked through the door of the apartment and Bucky was there sitting at the table.

"Hey kid, how did your session go?" he asked.

"I don't know. I don't know if this is even helping," I said.

He came over and gave me a hug, "I know Mols."


I woke up to yelling in the apartment. I ran to Bucky's room but he wasn't there so I ran to the living room and found him sitting on the floor with his army blanket around him as he breathed heavily.

"Bucky?" I said and he jumped as he turned to face me.

"I'm alright kid. Sorry, I woke you," he said.

Moving On (Captain America Fanfiction) (Book 3 of I Found You Series)Where stories live. Discover now