Chapter 7

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Buck and Molly were playing checkers on the floor while they watched the news coverage of the GRC vote when things went south.

"That can't be good," Molly said.

Bucky looked at his phone as he stood up, "Sam's already on his way. Don't touch that checkerboard cause I was about to win."

"I won't be there to touch it," Molly said, putting on the bracelet that goes with her suit.

"Are you sure that you're ready?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, come on slowpoke, suit up," Molly said, running to her room.


Bucky and Molly met up with Sharon and Sam as they entered the building that the GRC members were in. Bucky and Sharon took off in other directions and Molly opened her shield and stayed on the lookout for Karli and the others. She was in the shadows of one of the pillars on the main floor when she heard Sharon come over the coms.

"Choppers about to take off," Sharon said.

"Bucky!" Sam called.

"I don't fly man, that's your thing," Bucky said.

"Is the chopper at the top of the building? I'm still inside, I think I could make it up there," Molly said, running to the stairs.

"Kid, you don't have to do that," Bucky said.

"I'll be ok, I promise," Molly said. Molly busted through the door to the roof trying her best to grab onto the helicopter but she couldn't get there in time. "Sam, it's all you!"

"On it," Sam called and Molly could see Sam's silhouette as the shield hit the chopped blades.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it," Molly said.

"It's alright kid, come back down and keep looking out for Karli," Bucky said.

"Got it," Molly said. Molly exited through the back of the building and saw the vans of hostages and the FlagSmashers. "Bucky, I have eyes on Karli. Back of the building with the vans."

"I'm headed that way, just hang tight," Bucky said and Molly could hear the sound of a motorcycle headed straight toward Karli and the others. The vans caught fire and Molly ran over to Bucky.

"What do we do?" Molly asked.

"We've got to get these doors open," Bucky said. As Molly and Bucky punched the device on the doors to get them to open the fire only grew worse and Bucky started to worry.

"Molly, it's not safe for you to be here," Bucky said.

"If it's not safe for me then it's not safe for you either. We can't change the environment, we just have to help these people," Molly said. Bucky gave the device one last punch and it turned off.

"Stand back," he said and grabbed the handle with his metal arm and pulled as hard as he could until the door broke open. Molly immediately put her hand out for people to grab onto so that she could help the people out of the van.

As soon as all the people were safe, Bucky ran over to where John Walker and the other flagsmashers were and started fighting.

"Get that other van open, I know you can do it," Bucky told Molly and she jumped into action. She thought about all the times that her father told her about doing things like this and it gave her the strength to get the doors open. But before she could get them fully open Karli and John Walker's fight moved towards her. Molly slid under the van and waited for them to move on before helping the people. But she wasn't fast enough. Karli took hold of the steering wheel and Molly jumped in the back of the van with the people.

"It's going to be ok," Molly told the people.

"Who's back there?" Karli asked.

"You have to stop this!" Molly yelled.

"Alright then," Karli said and jumped out of the van. Molly got in the driver's seat but the brakes didn't work fast enough and they were over the edge, stuck on the scaffolding.

"Um, guys! I have a bit of a situation," Molly yelled.

"Please don't tell me you're in the van hanging off the scaffolding," Bucky said.

"I am," Molly said.

"Sh*t, Sam!" Bucky yelled.

"I'm coming as fast as I can!" Sam said.

"Bucky!" Molly said.

"It's ok," Bucky said, but on the inside, Bucky was scared out of his mind.

Then, the van started moving back toward the building. Molly turned and saw John Walker's face pulling the van, but the flagsmashers started fighting him again and the van was going down. Then it stopped.

"Sam?" Molly whispered.

"I got you," Sam said.

As soon as the van was secure Molly kicked open the door and everyone got out one at a time.

"Molly, are you safe," Bucky asked, looking up toward the van to try and catch a glimpse of her.

"I'm right here," Molly said, safely looking over the ledge at him.

Sharon came up behind her and pulled her to safety. Molly hugged her and Sharon hugged her back.

"That was really scary," Molly said.

"I bet it was," Sharon said.

"Hey, Sharon, we're underground now. We entered the tunnel on William, headed south," Sam said.

"You ok to keep going?" Sharon asked Molly.

"I think so," Molly said.

When they got into the tunnels and hit a fork in the road Molly asked where Bucky was and when he got back to her Molly went towards him and Sharon went her own way. Molly got to him just as the police showed up. She called out for Bucky and ran into his arms.

"You proved yourself to be one bad*ss superhero," Bucky said.

"Thanks, now I just need a name," Molly said.

"A name will come in time. The press will probably give it to you," Bucky laughed.

"Can we go home now?" Molly asked.

"Yeah, let's go home," Bucky said.

Bucky and Molly went home to finish their game of checkers, Bucky did in fact win the game. After they finished they made a packed to start making their apartment a real home. Bucky promised himself that he would keep getting better and be the best person he could be for Molly, because it didn't matter that Steve gave Sam the shield, or that he might have been wrong about him, Bucky had Molly, and Molly would always believe in him. 

So that's it for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier chapters of Moving On. Stay tuned to see what happens when Molly goes on a school field trip with Peter and the others from her class at Midtown High. Spiderman Far From Home is the next chapter for Molly in the MCU and I can't wait to see where it takes her.  

Moving On (Captain America Fanfiction) (Book 3 of I Found You Series)Where stories live. Discover now