Volume 1: Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark

Start from the beginning

Shadow yelled.

As Shadow exclaimed, causing a small wave of snow and a golden halo to emit out of him as the wave and the halo engulfed the whole room for a brief moment until they disappeared when they touched the room's walls, for everyone to stay silent as they saw this coming from Shadow's outburst.

Upon seeing this, everyone looked with concern at what was happening to Shadow, only for the Doctor to calm himself down as he left. After slamming the door close behind him as he left the room, Pyrrha looked at the Professors with concern.

Pyrrha: Professor Ozpin? Professor Glynda? ..... what.... was that?

Pyrrha ask.

The two professors look at each other as they too have concern looks planted on their face, as Ozpin replied.

Ozpin: Something.... that was meant to be awakened in future,... but it was too soon to be awakened....

He replied.

Back in Weiss's Dreamscape,

Negative Weiss is seen fighting against another Negative being based on Negative Tenka and Negative Blake as they both clashed blades with sparks flying all over the place everytime when both blades come in contact together hard.

Nightmare saw an opportunity as he shot the Negative being from behind, but to no avail as it looked back, causing vines to emerge from the ground to act like a shield to block the shot, to Nightmare's annoyance.

Nightmare: BLAST!!!!!

???: Blast? Now there's a concept on things~

Nightmare: gasps and looks back

As Nightmare looked back, the Negative being is seen pointing a Nightmare version of Budou Ryuhou (A/N: Basically Budou Ryuhou but the grape details will be replaced to really grapes and the gun details will be based on a dragon.) as it pulled the trigger for several projectiles to fly towards Nightmare's face, only for Nightmare to use his weapon to block the projectiles with one to hit him at the side, for him to grunt in pain.

Seeing Nightmare kneeling from his injuries, the Negative being conjured a Musou Saber and a Sonic Arrow in the attempts to bring him out of his misery, only for Negative Weiss to interfere as she swooped forward as she thrust at the being, only for it to clash with her blade again as the fight between Negative Weiss and the Negative being continued.

Negative Weiss: Nightmare! Go somewhere safe to recover! I'll take care of this one here.

Nightmare: ... Alright... but be careful.... this one is powerful...

Negative Weiss: nods

So, Nightmare rushed in for cover while Negative Weiss fought against the Negative being.

Negative Weiss: Stop this foolishness. If I must judge you further, it will go far beyond exile! Blake! Tenka!

Negative Weiss said, landing a stab and a slice.

The being dodged them at ease at it stopped in front of her.

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