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Chapter 5
Destory the kingdom


6 days has passed.

Phil is walking around on the ground floor, passing drinks out to the guest. Tommy is on the second floor, doing the same thing.

Tommy stood closer to the railing to keep an eye out over the people, even his dad.

The party was going smoothly. Neither of them saw Techno, but they know he is waiting for the moment to attack.

"Ladies and Gentleman." The speaker spoke, getting everyone's attention drawn towards the king. "We have a special guest." The speaker guester to the guards who brought woman out who was wearing a grey cloak that covered her. "Kristen/Trixtin Minecraft." He took her cloak off her, making it his the ground.

Her dress was black, with some tears at the bottom of the dress, showing her worn-out black shoes. Her hair was recently done but was still a mess, regardless of how it was done. Her wings, on the other hand, stood out, cleaned, and prinned.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, the bidding  for this maiden starts at $1,000 for her wings."

Phil looked at his wife, who was worn out, tired, and a mess. It looked like she had nothing to live for anymore. She was only staring at the ground as the bids started to roll.

"7,000, now 8,000" the bids kept going higher.

Phil knee how much the wings meant to her, he was glad at these two sons had her wings, and hid them when going out. But she was sad that she didn't get to see those wings. Anger started to fuel him.

"12,000, we are going at 13,000."

Tommy looked at his mom. His tears were on the threat of falling. He has seen many pictures of her and remember as best as he could before she was taken, but he was still quite young, but he knew she was his mom.

"Mom..." Tommy whispered out, and it seemed like she heard him.

She looked up, looking around to see many faces, then looked more up to see a Blond teen ager looking right at her. She could see he was going to cry, but she looked at his with love. She could she her Phil in that boy. It caused her to look back down, having to hold more tears back on her own.

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