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Niki started to list off a few things, which was a whole lot. Clean the halls, bring breakfast to King George at 7 sharp, have lunch ready at 11, get a small meal ready at 1, and bring it to George's study room.  Dinner/supper is ready at 6.

If there is a festival, you are to serve on the ground floors, handing platers of treats around, along with drinks. Phil had written a few things down to remember, like the times of meals to be done, and where. 

Tommy, on the other hand, was to clean the throne room, help the cooks get the food ready, make the kings bed, clean up the kings room, have guest beds ready at all times. Tommy was fumbling a bit with the whole thing, but he remembered that this was to bring the king down, so he tried his best to rack his brain around this new information.

It was already late and Tommy was walked to his room, where he met his dad.

"Dad!" Tommy ran to him, hugging him and Phil hugged back lovingly.

"Hey Tom's, you doing alright?"

"Yeap, but I am tired." He gave his dad the sad eyes and it made Phil laugh at his youngest son.

"We should head to bed, thank you Niki for helping us. You as well same. You both have a goodnight."

"Have a great night, I'll see you 6 am sharp." Niki walked off and Sam stood there, then spoke up.

"Tommy be ready at 6 am as well. A fresh start will always help. Good night." Sam walked off, and Tommy looked around.

"Saw nothing..."

"Same, but it is our first day. We need to get used to the layout. I'll send a bird to Wilbur about the news. You should rest up, you have trouble waking up early." Phil joked as he walked into the room that he was sharing with his son.

"Hey!" Tommy followed closed behind closing the door behind him.

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