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Chapter 2- The Arrival-

The moment the father and son left their house they took a horse on their long journey. It would take them 4 days to reach the kingdom.

"Dad?" Tommy sits on the horse waiting for him. He looked unsettled by the new mission.

"What's up Thesus?" Phil was to busy making sure that their small luggage was strapped onto the horse.

"How long will this take?"

"A couple of years. Why?" Phil looked up to his youngest son who looked scared. "Tommy..."

"No I am a big man, I can do this. If not for me than Techno!" Tommy looked up to the sky proud.

"Alright' then let's get going Thesus." Phil hoped onto the horse making Tommy behind him. "Got everything?" Tommy hummed, "hold on them." Phil made the horse start to run, and it cause Tommy to scream a bit then laugh.

The duration of the 4 day trip was planning and making their backstory up. It was their last day before they arrive to the village.

"Tommy repeat the story one last time." Phil was focused on getting Tom's story down.

"Fine, you have 2 sons and your 'wife' is home taking' care of my older brother. You decided that we need to help 'mom' and took me along to gather money to get medication for the older brother."

"Good Job, but you forgot one thing."

"What? I am sure I got it all." Tommy was annoyed by his dad's statement, he rolled his eyes and grunted at the old man.

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