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"You have a 'twin sister'.. she is staying home to help your 'mom' out."

"Oh right..." Tommy leaned forward and then saw the buildings in the distance along with their flag.

"If they asky why your 'sister' didn't come, it is because of the crops. Your 'mom' is to busy taking care of your older brother that 'she' asks your 'sister' to do the work for 'her'."

"Got it Dadza." Tommy grumbled a bit but sucked it up as they soon arrived to the gates.

Two soldiers stopped the two from going any further than the gates. Their armor shimmered in the sun, causing the two men be blinded by the sun that reflected.

"Who are you two and what are your reasons to enter the kingdom of Utah?" The left soldier spoke with a sweetness in his tone, giving a welcoming attitude if he was in a good mood.

"We were requested by the king to be hired as butlers." Phil spoke softly to the soldiers. "I am Phil, and this is my son. Thesus."

"You two may enter. However, you two will be guided by another soldier. Please wait on the other side for them." The other soldier spoke more aggressively then the other. He gave the total opposite attitude then the other.

"Of course. Thank you." Phil guided the horse through the gate stopping at the horse pin near the entrance letting his horse relax before making their way to the kingdom.

Tommy stood near the entrance of the gates pin, watching out for their guide as Phil informed him to do while they waited.

"Tom's make sure to drink up, it will be a while." Tommy looked at Phil who was about to toss the water pouch they had. He held his hands out and Phil tossed the pouch and Tom's caught it smiling.

"Thanks dad." He opened the pouch and started to drink a bit before closing it and tossing it back.

"Sorry for making you two wait."

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