Ranboo's grip tightened around him and Tommy knew that any second now he'd either be running or crying. He had to pull it together. Dream may well be here. He would already be furious. Tommy couldn't risk making it worse.

As if on cue, the door at the back of the room slammed open.

"What is going on out here?" The man Tommy recognised as the principle who had come into Tommy's software engineering class yesterday, asked, seemingly extraordinarily annoyed, "Phil?"

As Tommy saw the man he stepped back further, hiding behind Ranboo. Principals rarely liked him, after all he was often seen as a "problem child" and they didn't appreciate that. Now there were far too many people here and it was all because of him and he was sure to be in massive trouble.

Ranboo seemed to notice his panic, because he squeezed Tommy's hand gently, and moving to stand even more in front of Tommy, protecting him. It was things like this Tommy thought about when he begged his gut to trust them. Things like this that made him want to believe they wouldn't hurt him but it was still so hard. He just knew they were safer then most.

"Sam, I'm so glad to see you," Phil sighed, reaching out a hand to shake the principal's hand. The man, Sam? nodded, shaking hands with Phil before repeating his question.

"You called Tommy in here, but unfortunately there have been issues, and this group of kids were worried that the reason might put Tommy in danger, so naturally they came to protect him, just as I did," Phil explained, and the words tore at Tommy's heart. They had come to protect him? Why? No. It had to be a lie. But why would they lie about that? Tommy didn't know and he didn't understand and maybe, just maybe, he wanted to believe them. Maybe he wanted to know they would always protect him. Maybe he wanted to feel safe sometimes. Maybe.

"Well, I'll be happy to ease your concerns, Tommy's guardian is here. He explained that Tommy didn't come home last night and he has been very worried."

"Don't you fucking dare-" Wilbur started, before stopping at a warning look from Phil.

"Wilbur," Phil warned, quieting him, before looking back to Sam, "Sorry about that, the reason for that outburst is that Tommy didn't go home because he didn't feel safe. That's why they are all here, to protect him."

"Tommy can you confirm this?" Sam asked, but by this point Tommy was barely standing. He was taking in the words as people spoke around him, but he was shaking, terrified and broken. Dream was here. Dream was here and he was going to take Tommy back. Dream was going to take Tommy back and kill him. He couldn't die! He couldn't! He had promised Tubbo! He- He couldn't- No- No- Please- No-

"Tommy?" Eret asked, kneeling down in front of him and holding his hand, she reached for Tommy's other hand and Ranboo slipped it into Eret's, letting go.

"Please- please- please-" Tommy whispered, stumbling over his words, not knowing what he was asking for, not know what he needed, just begging for Eret to help. To protect him. To save him. To get him out of here.

"Breathe with me," Eret tried gently, but Tommy couldn't stop the panic. He swung his head towards any and every sound, his heart racing, waiting for Dream to show up. Waiting for Dream to take him away. Waiting to see them all watch as he got pulled towards his death. He couldn't! He couldn't go- Not Dream. Anyone but Dream. Anyone!

Eret's arms wrapped around him and pulled him up, cradling him and holding him off the ground, Tommy only shook, unable to fight back, and far too terrified.

"Deal with the monster who did this," Eret hissed over her shoulder at the group, before walking out, carrying Tommy with him. When they were out of that room, Tommy finally started to sob. The choking, panicked sounds filling his ears as he wished it would stop. Between breathes he apologised, pleaded, did anything he could to lower Eret's anger, but she just carried him, whispering promises that he would be ok. Promises that would never be kept because Tommy would never be ok. He knew that. He knew all he was was broken. He was nothing else. He was just this broken mess. He would never be able to fix this. He would never be ok.

"You're safe now, ok?" Eret promised, setting Tommy down on the bed in the back room of the nurse's office, "You're safe and Kristin won't let anyone in too hurt you. No one will come in here. I promise you that."

Words: 1500

A/N: *Not me leaving u on a cliff hanger in chapter 57 and then just leaving u hanging for chapter 58 too XD I guess u kinda got some knowledge in this one but then more cliffhangers woo XD

Also, 2 of my beta readers for my book started reading it today, super excited to see what they have to say, but it's been positive so far :D

Also, Also, i accidentally named this chapter 39, but I realised my mistake before posting for once, be proud XD

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now