Rachel & Miktar

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She smiled innocently, as though she didn't just entirely change the mood. 'Do you have a job?'

'Oh ... uh, yes.' He lay back down again. 'I'm the ship's senior medical officer.' His heart was thudding in his throat. He lay his forearm upon his head. His erection felt like it was burning a hole in his pants. Did she know what she was doing to him? Ask her. Ask her.

Her eyebrows shot up. 'A medical officer. You mean a ... a doctor?'


'You help sick people.'


'Huh ... I'm kind of like that too.' She suddenly sounded uncertain.

'What's wrong?'

'It's ... nothing. It's just ... I've never really liked doctors ... er ... medical specialists.'


'They can be arrogant.'

'Am I arrogant?'

'I don't know. I've never worked with you before.'

'I'm not arrogant.'

'That's what they all say.' She gave a yawn. 'Well, I'm tired. Can you turn the light off? I'm going to sleep.' And she rolled over onto her other side.

Miktar reached over to switch off the light, puzzled and frustrated.


Rachel couldn't deny that she was having the time of her life. She desired him both at a physical and even a personal level. She hardly knew him but she knew he was nice and gentle and totally unsure of what to do with her.

Rachel bit her lip. She'd already made the decision that she wasn't going back to Earth. Why the heck would she? But what about her father and her sister? She would have to let them know where she was gone. She felt her stomach sink. How could she explain this to them? What would she say?


'Mmm hmm?'

'I have to say goodbye to my family. I have to let them know where I am.'

The sheets rustled as he shifted. 'I'm not sure if that's possible.' His voice was close to her ear.

'What do you mean? You must.'

'It's not up to me.'

'You took me! You could go back again.'

'It's not that simple. It's a risk.'

'You risked me.'

'You were worth the risk.'

'And so is this. If you want me, then you have to take me back. I can't ... I can't leave them in the lurch like this.' Rachel pressed her hands to her face.

'You're emotional.'

'Of course I am. As you would be.'

He was silent. Rachel rolled over. He was lying on his back, his head turned to face her. In the darkness, all she could see was a slight shine in his eyes. It had been her intention to have fun, to play hard to get, to draw this romance out for as long as possible. But now ... there were more important things.

'Please.' As she laid her hand upon his chest, he sucked in a breath. 'Please.' She shifted in close. Taking his hand, she pressed it against her heart. She heard his exhale of air.

'I'll see what I can do,' he choked.

'Thank you. And as soon as possible? I was suppose to see my father over the weekend. He'll try and call me. He'll wonder where I am.'

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