I didn't even think about if there was another car involved, I've been so upset. It's good to know but that's not my top priority, Kane is. 

I race down to his room, busting in the door, and find him in bed unconscious with Amanda seated in the corner still dressed in her black business suit, her chocolate hair tied in a bun, looking too professional and out of place for being in Clyde Banks.

Amanda looks over to me when she hears me enter. "He's just sleeping right now. He suffered a slight concussion, bruised ribs, and some minor cuts and bruising, but he's going to be fine." Immediately she can tell by my tear-soaked face and swollen eyes that I'm engulfed with worry and needed some reassurance.

"Oh, thank goodness," I take in a deep breath of relief, placing a hand on my chest. "Do you mind if I stay with him?"

"No. I have some things I need to take care of anyway. Have him call me later when he's feeling better." She sits up from her chair, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder as she goes to walk out.

"I will tell him," I let her know right before she goes and then I grab a chair, pulling it up to his bedside. I situate myself beside him taking his hand in mine, resting my head near our hands that I have laced together. I begin to cry again, but these tears are no longer tears of sorrow but tears of joy and relief. I was so afraid just moments ago I would never be able to feel the warmth of his touch again, to admire his handsome face, but unlike with Jason, I have been given that chance once more and I appreciate it more than anyone could ever imagine.

"Nice slippers," I hear Kane groggily say as he awakes, causing me to look up at his beautiful face that holds a fresh cut just above his right eye with some reddish-brown bruising. Even all cut up, the man is still breath taking but he's hurt and I'm not too fond about that.

"I was kind of in a hurry. " I crack a small smile and then sniffle, trying to clear up my nose having forgot I had thrown on the bunny slippers in my moment of haste. I release my hand from Kane's and go to wipe away the fresh tears that I know still remain on my face, but he takes his hand over mine, wiping them away with his fingers, so I can get a more intimate feel of his touch.

"How did you know I was here by the way? I hadn't got the chance to give Amanda your number yet because she was too busy talking to the doctors and then I fell asleep."

"Small town remember. Word travels fast around here. I guess it helped that Steele is so obsessed he came into The Ridge looking for me since he knows my schedule. When he didn't see me working and found out I was with you, that's when he told Leah about the accident, and she called me. He thought I might have also been in the crash."

"You know I don't trust that guy. You should let me take you out of this town for a while far away from him. "

"And what about money? I have a good bit from Jason's insurance policy, but where do you get all your money from? I know it's not from bartending." My need to know about Kane is making way. I'm realizing there is so much he keeps from me, and I just want to get to know him better.

"My family is in politics. I don't really like glamorizing that I come from money. My grandfather left me a large inheritance when he passed, and I used it to start up a restoration company. My cousin co-owns it with me, but I own a higher stake in it. I don't always need to be around to run it since I have my cousin. Sometimes I just like to take a break and do my own thing. If I didn't, I wouldn't have met you, right?" He grins, cupping my cheek, feathering the skin beneath his fingers, causing me to melt internally all over.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, I like things simple. I don't need to be swept away to be impressed. That's one of the reasons I stay in this small town." Finally, a breakthrough. He probably thought I would think less of him if I had known he grew up wealthy, but Kane's never came off as an arrogant rich boy. This newfound information only making him more attractive if that's even possible.

"I have noticed and it's one of the things that attracts me to you so much. I'm not trying to impress you. You've never come off as a woman that can be impressed by money. Another reason I'm so drawn to you. It's Steele I'm worried about. Maybe you should put some distance between the two of you. I think his obsession might be more dangerous than you think." Kane places a finger under my chin, lifting up my head so I can see deeper into his eyes that are meeting with a serious stern gaze, "Let's go away, just you and me, just for a little while. Take a break from this town, from Steele."

"We're not going anywhere right now. You're all beat up. The only place you get to go to is bed for the next couple of weeks." Kane's hurt. My first concern is his health, not some romantic getaway. I am also contemplating if I'm ready to go away with him. That would only help establish how real this thing between us is really becoming and I'm still coming to terms with the fact I have feelings for this man who has appeared out of nowhere and shaken up my world.

Kane pulls me all the way up to him, so our faces meet. He brings his lips to mine, first he envelopes my bottom lip in his, then takes in the top right before he feeds himself on my mouth ferociously with lust-filled kisses that I return with intensity. I run my fingers through the soft strands of his brown hair, indulging in the sweet taste of his mouth, forgetting where we are until he whispers out, "So does this mean I get sponge baths?"

"Of course," I whisper back, never letting our mouths break.

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