Chapter 19-Gathering

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"Where's...where's Sage...Jasper...where did they go?" I grumbled, my sleepy eyes scanning my hospital room for any sign of them. I needed them back, needed them next to me. But all I saw were men in lab coats and nurses in scrubs.

"Is that your family?" one of the nurses asked.

"Yes. My wife and son," I answered. I smiled to myself and said, "Well hopefully she'll be my wife soon. I need to ask her first."

The nurse grinned and said, "Well after how heroic you were, saving your son like you did, I'm sure she'll say yes."

"I hope so. That ring was fucking expensive," I huffed with a small smile, causing the medical staff in the room to laugh.

"Well, your sense of humor is certainly still intact," the doctor said. "Seems you had lots of luck on your side, Mr. Min."

There was a light tapping at the door and I turned to see who it was, hoping to see Sage walking back inside. Instead I found Jungkook enter the room, immediately sanitizing his hands before grabbing a pair of disposable gloves. "Hey hyung, it's about time you woke up," he said as he walked toward my bedside. He greeted the doctor and nurses with a smile and a bow before stopping at my bedside.

"Where's Sage?" I asked him.

He chuckled and replied, "It's good to see you too. And she's waiting in the hall with Jasper. Sara is with her and has been calling everyone to let them know you're awake. Luckily I happened to be here checking in on a patient so I thought I'd lend a hand."

"Thanks for coming," I said quietly.

"No problem at all. So how's he doing?" he asked the doctor and nurses. They gave him a report of my condition and with my lack of medical terminology combined with the pain meds flowing through my IV I didn't understand one bit of it. Jungkook seemed calm and was smiling so that had to be a good sign.

"So, am I going to live, doc?" I asked Jungkook.

"Well, I have to say that based on the accident and how hard you were hit, it's a miracle you're still with us. You have a dislocated shoulder, five broken ribs, some bruising on your torso and one on your cheek, and some pretty nasty road rash on your thigh but other than that, you're doing great. No internal damage or head trauma, no broken were very, very lucky. You're going to make a full recovery," he replied with a relieved grin.

"Good," I grinned sleepily. "Now can you get Sage and Jasper back in here before I fall asleep again? I don't know what's going on in my IV right now but whatever this nurse over here put in it is definitely the good shit."

Jungkook grinned wider and gently patted the arm that wasn't in a sling and said, "Okay, I'll go get them, I know they were anxious to come back in. Sage has been at your bedside almost nonstop since you were brought in. I think she might like you, hyung."

"Well I hope so considering the size of the engagement ring Jas and I picked out," I answered him.

"What?" he smiled. "You're proposing?"

"Well that's the plan. Or was the plan anyway. I was going to do it on Christmas morning but I decided to get hit by a car instead."

Seesaw: A Min Yoongi Fan Fiction- 18+ (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now