Chapter 13-Collared

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*Author note- This chapter contains mature content of a sexual nature. Read at your own risk.*

*This will be a dual POV chapter.*


"So, Namjoon, tell us. Have you and Aera found out the sex of the baby yet?" Jin asked him as he took a drink of his beer.

Jungkook took a bite of his food and said, "Yeah, do you know if I'm having a niece or a nephew? Last I heard from Aera was that the little bugger didn't cooperate for the ultrasound a couple of weeks ago ."

Namjoon smiled proudly, his dimples showing, and answered, "Yeah, sometimes it happens that way."

"Isn't there some type of blood test that lets you find out the gender sooner?" Hoseok asked as he sipped his drink.

"Yes, and we discussed it, but in the end we decided to wait until we could see the baby on an ultrasound. Plus, its made guessing a bit more fun," Namjoon replied. "Oh, and to answer your question, Jin, yes we did find out what the gender is."

"So, what are you having?" Taehyung asked with a twinkle in his eye. Jimin was sitting next to him, their fingers laced together, as they waited for Namjoon to answer.

Namjoon sat back in his seat and was beaming as he looked at everyone around the table and said, "Gentlemen, Aera's hunch was right. It's a boy, we're having a son."

The table erupted in cheers as we all congratulated him with raised glasses and pats on the back. Jungkook actually stood up and walked to him, pulling him out of his chair to embrace him in a quick, back pounding hug.I grinned at how happy he was and sighed contentedly as I looked around the table at my friends all gathered together.

I hadn't had a boys night with the guys in so long and it definitely felt nice to just hang out like old times. Well, not exactly like old times since everyone but Hoseok and I were parents now so we met for dinner instead of going to a club. It still felt good to get out with everyone and catch up.

"That's awesome, man, really," Jimin smiled. "When Hana was pregnant with Bora we waited until she gave birth to find out. When we have another baby I want to know the gender before the birth."

"When we have another baby?" Taehyung laughed, squeezing his hand. "Babe, are you pregnant?"

Everyone chuckled and Jimin nudged him and said, "Stop, I'm serious."

"Wow, you're thinking about more kids already?" I laughed. "Bora's barely a year old."

"Well not right now," Jimin laughed. "I want to soak up all the time I can with our little girl while she's young. But, I don't know, don't you think it'd be nice to have another one somewhere down the road? Maybe once Bora starts school?"

"Wow, you've really thought about this, haven't you?" Taehyung asked playfully.

"Well...yeah. I've always wanted a big family and I know you have too," Jimin answered him. "Is that bad?"

"Not at all," Taehyung replied before kissing Jimin's forehead. "I'd love to expand our family someday and I'm sure Hana would love that too."

Jimin grinned wickedly and said, "Besides, when Hana was pregnant she was a sex fiend. I swear she was horny 24/7 and I can't wait to experience that again."

Taehyung shook his head and sighed. "My husband, everyone, always thinking with his dick. I should've known you wanting to knock up our wife had something to do with sex."

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