Chapter 4-Indebted

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"Mama, when is Mr. Yoongi coming back?" Jasper asked me.

"Um, he'll probably be back as soon as your food gets here buddy," I answered him honestly. Truth be told I was thankful to have a moment away from him to collect myself after I'd thrown myself at him and clung to him like a koala bear.

My head was spinning at how fast all of this happened. I knew that there were many questions I still needed answers to, mainly how my little boy ended up lost in the dark with a bloody knee. However, one thing I was most definitely certain of was that I'd never been more grateful for Min Yoongi in my whole life than I was that night.

My blood turned cold thinking of what could've happened to my son if Yoongi hadn't found him when he did. He could've been crying alone for hours. He could've been kidnapped. He could've wandered into the streets and gotten hit.

He could've been killed.

But thanks to Yoongi being in the right place at the right time, he wasn't. I was heartbroken that he was scared and had gotten hurt but if Yoongi hadn't driven by when he did anything could've happened to him.

Suddenly there was a knock at the open door outside the curtain and I heard Jungkook's voice say, "Hey, can I come in?"

"Sure come on in," I answered.

Jungkook walked in, followed by a nurse who looked like she was in her fifties who was pushing a tray with different supplies on it. He was wearing a smile as he looked at Jasper and said, "Hey buddy, how are you feeling? Does your knee feel any better?"

Jasper shrugged his shoulders and answered, "It stings a lot."

"I know, it's probably going to for a while until it's all better. But we don't want your ouchie to open and bleed again so we're going to do some stitches. Do you know what they are?"

Jasper shook his head and looked at me. "No, what are they?"

I smiled and ran my hand through his hair and said, "Well you know how when someone rips a shirt and sews it back together? Or when they glue pieces of paper together?" He nodded and I continued, "It's just like that."

"Except instead of sewing we're going to use a special kind of glue on it so it hurts less," Jungkook answered.

"Don't worry buddy, mama does these kinds of things all the time at work. Just ask Jungkook, he's one of the doctors that I work with," I told him.

"That's right, I know your mom, so you know she'll kick my butt if I hurt you," he said, and Jasper giggled. He looked at me and said, "Is it okay to start now?" as he washed his hands.

I nodded and said, "Sure thing. The sooner we get this over with the better."

Just as the nurse and Jungkook were getting on gloves and readying what they'd need for the procedure, there was another knock and I heard Yoongi's voice say, "Hey, Jasper, I hope you're still hungry because I just ordered you a hamburger that's bigger than your whole face-oh hey." He looked around the room and stood by the door holding two takeout bags.

Jasper smiled at him and excitedly said, "Mr. Yoongi!"

"Hey," I greeted with a small smile.

Seesaw: A Min Yoongi Fan Fiction- 18+ (Book 5)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin