Royal Walk

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The sun that crept from the tiny creek of the curtain, wakes Amaya up. She yawns tiredly, scanning the area. Lucan isn't there. It is acceptable, judging from how long she slept. She rubs her sleepy eyes with the back of her and slips off the bed. As soon as her legs touch the floor, she feels the soreness between her legs.

Amaya runs her hand on her neck, the same place he marked her the previous day. The memories of the previous night surge into her head and she is immediately thrown into a state of dilemma. She gave in to him due to the elation she felt, but now she is soberer and can't help but feel culpable. She feels this way because the intimacy they shared is a complete deviation from her ultimate mission. She left Geshar to seat on the throne of Santol, but now she lags.

“you will never rule the people of Santol” as much as she wants to ignore the words of the witch, she can't stop thinking about it. She is the only Windsor bloodline alive. There is no other person destined for the throne other than her. This affirmation is made to reassure herself, but another thought comes to her again. Why would the witch lie? She has nothing to lose.

Amaya swallows hard as she glances at her naked self in the mirror. She looks different, way different. Her skin glow like the sun. Her hair is more healthy than it has ever been. Her heart aches at the realization that she is slowly becoming one of them. Here she is, dining with the same people who wiped out her family lineage while her mother rolls in her grave.

But if feels good. As much as she tries to convince herself otherwise, she still can't deny the ecstasies she feels when she is with Lucan. If they aren't meant to be, why did the moon goddess make him her mate? She asks herself as a form of consolation.

The door opens and Lauretta walks in, but Amaya doesn't budge. She continues looking at the mirror, hoping on it for answers, but doesn't get any. How much she wishes her reflection can scold her for being too carried away. She needs it because, at this point, she can't help it. Each time she tries to run away from it all, a strong force just keeps pulling her back. That is sadly the mating bond and it will only get stronger since Lucan has marked her.

"Milady" Lauretta calls out the second time. Amaya turns to look at her. Instead of flashing a look of annoyance at her. She smiles instead. The young maid isn't the reason for her predicament.

"The king says you should be prepared for your walk in the kingdom"

The moment she says those words, Amaya can't help but flush. When she realizes what she is doing, she face-palms herself. A little while ago, she hated herself for being too carried away and now she relishes the idea of walking with the king.

"Ok Lauretta"

All of a sudden Lauretta falls to her knees and weeps. "My lady I'm sorry for telling the king about your whereabouts. I feared for your safety and I had to do something"

Amaya is startled. She hasn't even thought about it since that day. Of course, she knows Lauretta has her best interest at heart. She is just as pure as she looks. Black hair and paled white skin.

"It's fine" Amaya helps her up. "I understand"

"Thank you so much, my Lady"

Now Amaya has the chance to ask all the questions she wants. She is aware the queen instructed the maids not to tell her certain things, but Amaya is ready to take advantage of the maid's vulnerability.

"How long have they been there?"

"I don't know. What I have always known is the witches are kept there for a while before they are beheaded"

"By king Audrie?"

"Yes. He says they are evil creatures"

Amaya knows she already has her and decides to push further. "You know of Frederick?"

"Yes I do" she narrows her eyes, not knowing where the conversation led.

"When did he leave the palace?"

Amaya notices how she hesitates, but she eventually speaks. "He left way before Lucan was made king"


"I don't know," she mumbles, but Amaya is certain she isn't telling the truth. She is holding back something. Even though Amaya wants to know more, she decides not to push further

She smiles. "All is forgiven. Now leave. I will get ready myself"

"But the king.... "

"Surely I should have the liberty of picking my clothes"

Lucan's mouth drops when he sights Amaya emerge from the palace. She is not ladylike at all, dressed in trousers and boots with her blonde hair wrapped in a tight bun. He steps down from the carriage, giving her a displeased look, but she doesn't pay attention to his countenance.

"Don't say anything because I'm not taking this off" she rolls her eyes at him stubbornly. All Lucan can do is sigh in frustration.

"How are you doing?" He asks softly instead of scolding her for dressing like a soldier, not a queen.

"Doing great" she shrugs. "I'm not taking that" she scowls at the carriage Lucan prepared for their ride.

"Why aren't you?"

"I would rather take a horse. That way the people don't think we are hiding inside those" she says. Rather than argue with her, Lucan signals the guard to get the horses.

They return shortly with Six horses. Lucan hands the white horse over to her, took the dark horse, and lets his men take the rest.

Amaya tries to hop on it, but Lucan doesn't let her.

"What is it?" she asks in confusion.

"As much as I want your wound never to heal, I can't let you hurt yourself."

With that said, he raises and helps her on the horse with little effort. When he has ensured she is properly strapped, he ascends his horse. "You know how to ride a horse do you?" It is certain for her to know how to ride a horse. She can't ask for a horse when she is a novice. He just wants to confirm she isn't going to fall off during their ride.

"Is that an insult Lucan?" she asks. "Even with my injured leg, I can still ride better than you" she brags and Lucan can't help but chuckle.

"Where are we going then?"

"To the marketplace. There, we will have a word with the people of Santol" he says with great unease.

As they ride through the kingdom, the people watch them. It takes Amaya a while to realize they were actually staring at her in admiration. In Santol, it is hard to see a woman on a horse, but Amaya is on one.

Little kids stop their play, women halt their chatter and men quit their work as they all gape at the royals. The royals coming into the kingdom was something rarely seen.

In as much as Amaya is happy to be in the kingdom. Her heart still bleeds. A lot has changed in the kingdom. It isn't as lively as it was when Amaya was little. Most of the children look malnourished and Amaya doesn't fail to notice the saddened look on the women's faces.

As soon as they find a more suitable spot, Lucan stops. Without an order from him, his guards begin to gather the people around. The scene turns dark in a split second. From announcing the king's request to the use of force. They whip, trash, and hit the people who prove stubborn. Amaya's heart stops for a second as she turns to look at Lucan.

"Aren't you seeing this? Why are they doing this?" Amaya asks Lucan who has his eyes transfixed on the people. He looks disturbed but doesn't do anything to stop them

"That's how it has always been done," he says to Amaya, and her heart sink

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