Goodbye, friends

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As the group runs through the forest, they pause upon a bush, making them all gasp. A tail is sticking out, trying to free itself. Out comes the Pegasus queen.

"Mom?" Pipp and Zipp question happily, trotting up to her. "Oh, my darlings. Thank hoofness." The queen greets them, very out of breath. "You escaped." Zipp says. "How did you find us?" Pipp asks, still happy to have her mom back.

The bushes rustle as something rushes towards Hitch. He screams as the winged dog launches itself at his face holding his badge. "Oh, my badge, yes!" Athena chuckles and teasingly says, "Your ego has now returned, sheriff." He playfully glares at her.

The queen gets their attention again. "Oh, I'm so glad I found my little fillies. Now, I know that if you just come back with me, we can explain everything." The two share a glance between each other as she speaks. "Spin the story, and they'll love us again. Right?" More rustling is heard along with hooves thundering.

Alphabittle and the other unicorns appear, looking very angry. Athena's ears drop as she quietly says, "Oh no." Sunny speaks up. "Let us explain."

But she's interrupted. "There she is!" Pegasus guards appear. "Your Criminal Highness. You're coming with us." Thunder looks over and sees the other group. "Argh! Unicorns!" He throws a tennis ball at an unamused Alphabittle's head. "Give me back my crystals and leave Bridlewood." He says. "Your crystals? That crystal belongs to me." The queen harshly says. "Not anymore, it doesn't. I won it fair and square." The queen mockingly laughs. "I certainly doubt it. Unicorns are known to be cheaters." The two get closer as they both insult the other. "You pegasi always thought you were better than us." "Hey, that's our queen you're talking to." The blue Pegasus speaks up. "Ain't your queen a criminal right now?" Athena questions from with the group. The pegasus stumbles with their words before landing on, "Shut it, unicorn!" "That's our guardian you're talking to!" A different unicorn says. "Yeah, sworn to protect us from the likes of you!" "And my daughter, so back off." Alphabittle adds, glaring.

The group minus Izzy looks at Athena confused and she says, "Add it to the list of things I need to explain, ok?"

The groups begin to argue. "Who do you think you are?" "We're gonna zap you with our horns!" "This is our land!" "You're not welcome here!" A unicorn filly is backing up, looking scared, making Athena furrow her brows and perk up.

"Surrender the crystal or I'll use my powers against you." Alphabittle threatens. "I'd like to see you try." The queen retorts back.

Athena groans before she yells out, "No pony has magic!" Both groups look at her. "Bing-bong!"

Sunny stands next to her and takes over. "But we are here to bring it back." "Is it possible?" A unicorn asks. "Did she just say magic?" Thunder asks. "This is a trick." The blue one responds. "I know it sounds unbelievable, but please, just let us try."

Pipp and Zipp turn towards their mom as Athena turns towards her dad. "Please, Mom, trust us." "Dad, it can't hurt to try." "You two..." The queen unsurely says. Alphabittle and Athena just look at each other intently. The queen sighs and says, "Fine." One more second passes before Alphabittle sighs and says, "You're wasting your time kid." Athena perks up, a tiny smile on her face.

Sunny and Izzy stand before the groups as they gather around, holding the crystals. "Ready, Izzy?" Sunny asks. "Ready." Izzy nods her head surely. The two begin to combine the crystals. Pipp, Zipp, Hitch, and Athena look on eagerly, Pipp spreading her wings. A father and son unicorn pair watch hopefully. The queen and Alphabittle stare, along with everypony else, expecting. The crystals combine.

Nothing happens. The two slightly lower the crystals, frowning. Pipp sadly lowers her wings as Athena looks down, upset. Sunny looks at the Pegasus crystal upset. "It-it-" she can't say anything. "Why didn't it work, Daddy?" The son asks his father. "Cos it was all just make-believe." "We can try it again. Maybe...maybe we did it wrong somehow."

"Wait, wait, don't go." The groups begin to separate. Sunny sits down and tries the crystals again. "Oh, come on. Work! Work. Please work. Come on." The others watch sadly as Hitch approaches. "Sunny." He gently says. "It's ok. You did everything you could." He sets a hoof on her shoulder.

"I... I thought it would work." She sadly says as she turns towards him. "I was so, so sure of it." She gets up as Izzy and Hitch looks at each other then her.

"What do we do now, Sunny?" Zipp asks. Sunny gives the unicorn crystal to Alphabittle then the Pegasus one to the queen. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you."

She walks away as Pipp calls out, "Sunny! We can't give up." "I thought that I could make a difference." Sunny admits sadly. She looks at the little unicorn filly looking back sadly as he walks home. "But everywhere I go, I just make things worse." "That's not true." Izzy says sadly. "I agree, Izzy. We're all in this together, right?" Athena speaks up as she looks back at the others. They immediately share their agreement.

"I'm so sorry I let you all down." She turns away and begins to leave. Hitch follows after. Izzy and Athena perk up sadly. He sighs and turns towards what's left of the group. "I guess this is goodbye...friends." No one speaks up before Athena shakily says, "Better hurry... Hitch." He nods and turns to follow Sunny. Back home. Away from their friends.

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