Welcome to Zephyr Heights

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Izzy, Sunny, and Athena are walking through a cavern. They are all looking around fearfully before Izzy breaks the silence. "You know, not to freak you out or anything, but you do know pegasi can steal your luminescence, don't you?" "My lumi-what?" Sunny says confused.

"Luminescence. You know, like your sparkle. Yours is... Lavender." Izzy answered, giving her a thoughtful look. Sunny looks down at herself, letting out a confused, "Huh?" "And the happier you are," Izzy continues, "the brighter it shines!" Sunny lets out an understanding sound, then turns towards Athena. "So, what's yours? The color of your lumi-lumi-lumi-thingy?" Athena opens her mouth to answer, but Izzy beats her to it. "It's like a pale yellow color. It's been dull for a while, but still shines every now and again." Athena sighs and nods her head to Izzy. "Yeah, that."

They all look up as they hear some whooshing. Izzy and Sunny look at each other nervously while Athena takes the lead, glaring up.

As they keep walking, they hear it again from behind them, startling all three of them. A shadow jumps over them pushing rocks over the edge, almost crushing them. Izzy and Sunny both shriek in fear as Athena kicks the rocks away. "Come on!" They start to run away.

As they run away, the shadow follows after. "Hurry!" Sunny yells out, before they see a wall of rocks blocking their way. They skid to a stop in front of it.

Athena looks behind them and sees the shadow closing in. She pushes Izzy up first, then Sunny before climbing up after them. As she reaches the top, she grabs the edge to pull herself up. She looks over and sees the shadow again. She almost climbs up before she slips and falls over the edge.

"Athena!!" They both yell out, Athena flailing to find something to hold onto. Sunny and Izzy both grab a hoof each and pulls her up. They're all gasping for air as Athena quickly nods her head in thanks.

She gets up and glances over the edge, Sunny and Izzy doing the same. Once they see the cost is clear they all sigh in relief.

Too bad it's short lived as a pegasus comes up and shows off her wings.

Izzy and Sunny both shriek in fear as they latch onto Athena, who stands protectively in front of them. The white coated pegasus begins to flip onto the rocks behind them. Once she stops, she stands to her full height. Izzy and Sunny gasped in awe, while Athena looked in wonder saying, "A real pegasus."

The white pegasus drops her wings as she says in surprise, "Whoa, two unicorns and an earth pony? Together? Ok, well this day just got a whole lot more interesting." She mutters the last statement to herself. Her ears perk as she hears the sound of clanking metal. She gasps and jumps off the rock. She turns back towards the three as she says seriously, "Don't tell them you saw me." And dives off the cliff.

"There's no way we could!" Izzy calls after her. "We don't even know your name!" Athena gives Izzy a side eye as Sunny keeps looking at where the pegasus went with a wide smile. The clanking got more prominent. "She seems nice."

A yell breaks them from where the pegasus was as they turn around. Behind the are two pegasi dresses in armor. The mint green one was hiding behind the pale blue one.

"Thunder, get it together!" The pale blue one tells Thunder. "But that's an earth pony." He tells his fellow guard. "They're harmless. They have very tiny brains." After hearing this Sunny gives an upset look. "What do we do about those?" Thunder then questions for Izzy and Athena, who has the same look at Sunny. "Well, did you bring the shields?" "What shields?" "Didn't you read the guard guide?" The blue one questions Thunder, pushing him of them. "Yes! Ok, no." "Oh, fine." They spread their wings and walk towards the two. "I've got this."

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