I'm looking out for you

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The sign for 'Now leaving Maretime Bay' comes into view. Athena, Izzy, and Sunny run right past it, leaving town.

"You don't have any magic?" Sunny questions the two one more time. "No." They say in unison. This causes Sunny to stop, gasping. She sits down dejectedly and repeats it. "No magic?"

Izzy walks back over to her saying, "If it makes you feel any better, we did have it, but that was many, many, many moons ago. It just, poof, disappeared. Everypony thinks the pesky please had something to do with it but-" she cuts herself off, feeling Athena tap her, and gesture towards the dejected Sunny. Izzy immediately stops and instead says, "Oh, hey, you look kind of woozy. Are you ok?" Athena sighs and shakes her head.

Sunny stands up and says in a scared tone, "I'm on the run with two unicorns who have no magic. What are we gonna do?"

She hears Athena say, "Izzy!" In a weirded out tone and then hears sniffing. She glances beside her to see Izzy smelling her. "What are you doing?" Sunny asked in the same weirded out tone as Athena.

"You don't smell." Izzy bluntly says. "Thanks. Wait, what?" Sunny realizes what she says.

Athena comes over and slightly pushes Izzy away. "No, we don't just sniff ponies. Sorry, we were told that all you earth ponies smell like rotten sardines." "But she, does not." Izzy says a matter of fact. She hums and begins to follow a butterfly.

Sunny turns towards Athena and asks, "What else do unicorns say about earth ponies?" Before Athena answers Izzy does it for her. "Oh, just that you're lazy and not the brightest crystal in the forest."

Sunny sarcastically says, "Charming." "Nope, just those three." Athena sighs and says, "Well you earth ponies also say stuff about us and pegasi, so we'll call it even." Sunny pauses before nodding her head.

Izzy turns away from the butterfly and addresses the two ponies. "So, what's the plan?"

Sunny thinks for a second before saying, "Wait, I've got it." She trots up to Izzy and says, " Izzy, Athena, we're going on a quest," she gets out her notebook, flips to a page with a map and puts it in the ground, "to Zephyr Heights."

Athena walks over and stands on the other side of Izzy, both looking down at the book as they say, "The pegasus city?"

Sunny nods her head as she says, "Yes. We need to find out what happened to your magic and bring it back. They have magic. Maybe they can help." Athena visibly perks up at this, a hopeful expression on her face before she goes back to neutral as she talks.

"But pegasi are bad news." "What if you're wrong around them? Earth ponies were wrong about unicorns. They could welcome us with open wings." "But what if they don't?" They both look at Izzy as she runs to the cliff.

"Up ahead, is the sky glowing dark? Where it leads is a big question mark, and I'm scared that we'll end up some ponies gone missing from pegasus-ing." Both Sunny and Athena walk up behind her as Sunny sings. "But you're not alone, you two have a pony in your crew."

Izzy looks confused as she asks, "We do? Who?" Both her and Athena follow after Sunny.

"I'm looking out for you." Izzy gets distracted again by a butterfly. She almost falls off the cliff before both Sunny and Athena hold her back, Sunny singing still. "When you're off track, we've got your back. You two can rely on me, I'm looking out for you." She bumps into Izzy, making her bump into Athena, and they all trot off.

They jump across rocks as Sunny sings again, "Back at home it was earth ponies first. Heard it so many I could burst. And I fought for a change, but it's lonely, cos you know, party of Uno." She looks down at a puddle of water as Izzy and Athena appear in the reflection. "Well if you need some friendly steeds like you-know-who~" Izzy sings and Sunny responds, "I think I do~" They turns towards each other out to get their hooves together, then turn towards Athena smiling. She gives a small smirk and nods her head.

They quickly crowd around the book as Sunny and Izzy duet, "I'm looking out for you." Izzy points in the wrong directions as Athena flips the book for Sunny as they start moving.

"When you're off track" Izzy gets distracted again as Athena gently turns her back in Sunny's direction. "I've got your back."

Izzy is standing on Sunny to get an apple as Athena helps stabilize them. "You can rely on me, I'm looking out for you."

Sunny and Athena are looking around when they see Izzy doing the running man before looking around too. "Lost in the hills, I've got the skills" Sunny and Athena look at each other before shrugging.

They all pop out behind bushes, Sunny and Izzy still singing as Athena shakes her head with a fond smile. "Pony, let's get going, get going, get going!"

They run through the forest at sunset, then a field of flowers, then finally under the night sky. Athena, then Sunny, and finally Izzy in the front. "I'm looking out! *I'm lookin' out for you. I'll go where you're going to. It's all I ever want to do. I am looking out*."

They reach the end of the field and look over the side, all in awe as Izzy and Sunny look each other and Athena. "For you!" In front of them is a huge mountain with the moon behind it.

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