So many questions

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Once the three reached the lighthouse, Sunny quickly closed the door behind them. And then quickly went back to fix the picture frame. Athena went around closing the windows as Izzy just looked around in wonder.

As Sunny turns back to the two unicorns, she takes a good look at them. She can't say anything, to shocked. But Izzy can.

"Do earth ponies also like staring contests?" She begins to make weird noises as she gets closer to Sunny. She blinks and says, "You won. I blinked."

"Izzy Moonbow, this isn't a game!" The two then turn back towards the other unicorn. She starts pacing as the two just watch and listen. "Not only have you put yourself in danger along with this... Earth pony," she says earth pony with disgust, making Sunny gain an offended look, "you are also breaking multiple laws. Do you even know how many?" Izzy shakes her head, still smiling. "Yeah, me neither." She says calmly before shouting, "Because you broke so many!!!" The three just stare at each other in silence before Izzy walks up and gently nudges Athena's side, her smile gentler.

"I'm sorry 'Thena. Really. I didn't mean to make you worry. I promise, once we are done, you can put me on house arrest for as long as I need. Just please, I need this. We, need this." She emphasizes the we.

Athena gives her a hard look, before sighing. "Fine. You broke me." She suddenly remembers the pony in the room as she stubbornly says, "Since you did help us, I'll say... Thank you." And nods her head. Sunny nods her head along dumbly.

As Athena turns back towards Izzy as Sunny says, "There's two unicorns in my house." It finally catches up to her brain as she excitedly says, "This is so cool!" She then shrinks back into herself and says, "Wait, no, it's bad, very, very bad. What have I done?"

Izzy was messing with the telescope as Athena just looked around, not touching anything. Izzy turns the scope to Sunny as she says, "Wow! I've never seen an earth pony before." She moves it so they're face to face. Athena just stares at them from afar. "We look exactly the same, except for this, of course." Izzy says putting her horn right in Sunny's face.

Sunny backs away and Athena gives a deadpan expression. "Whoa, hey, be careful where you point that thing." She says as she moved the horn away. "Why?" Izzy asks, confused. "Well, of don't want to get zapped with a wayward laser beam," Athena's head perks up as Izzy looks confused, "but of course you know that already. I mean, Athena threatened to use it on Hitch back there. But you two have probably been reading my mind this whole time."

Athena and Izzy share confused looks as Sunny continues, staring at Izzy's horn. "Isn't it supposed to glow, by the way, or does that only happen when you levitate stuff." "Well, actually..." "Yeah, Sunny, about that-" Izzy and Athena try to explain but Sunny just interrupts.

"Wait, don't answer that yet. Let me get my notebook." Sunny races off as Athena goes to stand next to Izzy.

She gets out the notebook super excited and lets out a breath before beginning. "Ok, 142 questions for a unicorn. Or, two, in this case." She lets out a giggle as she begins to read off the questions. "Question number 1. Where do you live?" "Confidential." "Bridlewood." Athena gives Izzy a tiny glare as she smiles back nervously, Sunny just ignoring that. "I knew it! Do unicorns really live in trees? Do they eat pizza? If so, what toppings do they like? If not, why not? Can you actually fry pony brains with a single horn zap?" She lets out a gasp as she quickly throws a can in their direction saying, "Can you make this float?"

The can just lands at their feet. Athena just gives her a weirded out look as Izzy apologetically says, "No, but I can do this." She flings the can into the air and starts to poke holes into the bottom.

Athena walks around to stand beside Sunny as they both watch the can opens and beans fall onto the floor. Izzy lets out a proud, "Ta-da!" Sunny's face falls as she says, "Wait, you don't have any magic?" She turns to Athena as she says, "But what about you telling Hitch you'd use your horn?" Athena sighs and says, "I only said that so he'd let Izzy go. The most I could do is poke him with it." Before Sunny can respond a voice is heard.

"Sunny Starscout!" Before the sound of feedback is heard. "Agh,that hurt." It's Hitch.

They all run to the window.

Outside Hitch is using a speaker while Sprout hides behind him wearing the Anti-Mind-Reading hat. He begins to speak again, "Sunny Starscout, I know you're in there with those unicorns. Come out with your hooves up and surrender." Sprout tries and fails to back him up by saying, "Yeah, you're completely surrounded." It's just those two.

Hitch turns towards him and mumbles, "Will you let me do my job?"

Back in the lighthouse he continues, Sunny and Athena glancing out the window, "You are under arrest." "This is bad." Sunny says, then turns towards Athena. "How sneaky are you?" "Very sneaky." "People say she blends into the shadows with how sneaky she is." Izzy says mysteriously.

The two just look at her with blank expressions before Sunny says, "Ok, but what about you Izzy?" "Eh, medium sneaky." She says unsure. Athena just sighs as Sunny says, "I can work with that. Ok, I'll distract them."

Izzy just goes, "Pft! Relax! I'll talk to him." "No, no!" Both Sunny and Athena say.

Izzy opens the door and greets the ponies. "Hi, guys. Now, I know what you're thinking."

Sprout shrieks and says, "She's already reading our minds! Quick, before she gets her friend to fry out brains!" He runs away, leaving Hitch alone. "What are you doing? Where are you going?" Hitch questions him. "To get reinforcements!" "We have reinforcements?"

Sunny tackles Izzy as Athena follows right after them.

He turns back to the lighthouse and sees they left. "Huh? Oh, come on!"

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